I have added a lot of new Blog Links down the left hand column today. If you have a Blog with a link to mine and I haven't listed you, please say so in the comments section, or email me, and I'll add you to the list. The least I can do, guvnor! And if you haven't got a link to me on your Blog, why not?!
Cool. Thanks in advance for the link.
Thanks Iain!
I have!
I feel so excluded...
But Ed, you don't have any links on your lovely site! Fair's fair! And by the way, how do you use your own design on blogspot? Can you email me? iain AT iaindale dot com
Och, I do too, it's on the Blogs I Read panel on my sidebar between "Philosophically Made" and "Tim Blair"
Ed, just added the link.
Link added today. You may be interested in the Press Release that was posted on my blog yesterday.
You have been linked to over the weekend:
Thanks for the link Iain, I've added you to my links column but the feed hasn't updated yet which is why you aren't appearing there.
you are in blogs i like section on my site, thanks
Would be great if you could add me - though if you just want to link my politics archive, then it is this link here. No preference this end.
Thanks, Iain.
Cheers, Iain.
thanks iain...
I linked you a week or so ago. Good to see you are prepared to link to blogs that disagree with you or openly criticise you. Makes a refreshing change from Traitor Blair's approach of look the other way and let security sort them out.
http://www.anenglishmanscastle.com/archives/002342.html - respect!
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