If ever proof were needed that the LibDems are unnerved by David Cameron's environmental initiatives, you just need to read Ming Campbell's comments in Norwich today. Click
HERE. What on earth is he doing writing to David Cameron. In case the old boy hadn't noticed, Dave hasn't won the election yet. That Labour lot still have their fingertips on the steering wheel, even if they are in danger of driving off the road. I suspect that LibDem strategists will have been alarmed by the recent poll showing that Cameron's green initiative is hitting home with LibDem supporters.Ming has been visiting Winterton on Sea in Norfolk to look at coastal erosion. Not sure if a photo of him at the edge of a cliff is one he'll find particularly advantageous.
...didn't the recent Guardian ICM poll show the Tories still 3rd on this issue....17%, with the LDs first at c30%?
Chris Huhne is a terrible environment spokesman. Is he on perminent holiday?
Certainly not picking up any "Vote Blue, Go Green" vote here in canvassing.
I don't know personally why they are fighting over any of this. They're pissing in the wind. Who cares whether Ming has a Jag, if it's in a garage hardly ever used. Who cares whether Dave has a Prius and his energy spokesperson a Boxter? These are but tinkering with a problem that we are not going to solve under the current economic system anyway. They are feeding us tid-bits, maybe even they don't realise it and are taken in by this, to make us think we can just make a few changes here and there. No, huge assumptions need to change, And neither Dave nor Ming, nor even the Greens "proper" are actually talking about any of it.
What could be more scary - having a planet we can't live on in the worst case or having to rethink the man made rules of the economy? And I believe we are at that stage now.
Tim, no, we were second, 5 points ahead of Labour but 7 (I think) behind the LibDems.
Huhne to be fair has been putting out a press release on various aspects of his brief nearly every day from what I can tell. Why they ave not been being picked up is another matter (probably because he does understand some of what he's talking about and the economic change required to achieve it).
Ming also wrote an article about the environment in the Indie today. (although it is just an amended version of one The Telegraph rejected yesterday for being too boring)
You have to admire Ming's timing though - visiting Winterton-on-Sea today! He he he
ahhhh Winterton-on-Sea! I went there once, on the bus.
I wonder if 123 has been there
What is more intriguing is that the Minger is seeking to build 'cross-party support' over environmental taxes.
Does this mark the start of the LibDem/Tory coalition/suicide pact? In the event of a hung parliament in 2009, I think we can expect to see Ming & Co scuttling around looking for scraps from the Tory table.
Jock - the Lib Dems put out about 40 press releases a day. Then they complain that no-one pays attention to them in the media.
Perhaps because they are always along the lines of "Huhne scratches arse"
Cameron's enviromentally friendly talk is just a PR stunt.
This letter from Ming is there to expose the opportunistic soundings from Mr Cameron. I think he was right to write it.
Given the polls this week, I'm struggling to work out how you can claim this initiative is evidence of the Lib Dems running scared. As for Huhne, he was no doubt behnd this initiative. You're talking about it, so to suggest he isn't doing anything would appear to be a little foolish.
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