If your Party was in deep trouble over releasing foreign prisoners into the community and you had a Party Political Broadcast, what would you do? Well, probably not show a new Dave The Chameleon film. But that's exactly what Labour will be doing tonight. And you can see it HERE. I would have thought a 3 minute piece to camera by the Home Secretary or the Prime Minister apologising might have been more politically beneficial. These people have lost touch with reality.
Labour are in trouble and it is not just with adverts that only attack without giving a reason to vote 'for' Blair. They are under threat from the BNP http://www.conservativefuture.com/news/story.cfm?obj_id=129438&type=news
Prehaps that is why they are using the same tactics!
nothing to add, you said it all mate.
p.s. beat the red scum (I got it right this time)
So much for last week's Labour spin that they would be focusing on their policies in this week's PEB. The new PEB is a glorified remix of the last one - did they run out of money, or just ideas?
"These people have lost touch with reality".
Were they ever in touch with it in the first place? NuLabour's gift seems to have been to con enough of the electorate to believe in their own twighlight zone version of Britain.
A gift that happily seems to be vanishing faster than a very fast thing running away very fast.
Pathetic - but I liked the Chameleon. If they've run out of money for PEB's perhaps they should try selling a few on EBay ?
The chameleon helped us last time, let's hope this adverts not better ;-)
I actually thought that the second was alot more effective than the first. Perhaps if they'd only shown the second one first (if that makes sense) then it would have received a better response.
However, I agree with Iain's point about tonight's PEB. Perhaps they where relying on the Prescott affair revelations to allow a pretence at 'normality'?
By the way, the Tories have got to capitalise on this chameleon character. Unless its trademarked or something they could make a mint. They'd also demonstrate that NuLab's efforts really were a joke.
Come on guys! You're the capitalists. Make some money and stick it to the opposition. How much more of a gift do you need?
I think the advert is trite, personally, but there seems little doubt in my mind that its message is working. Quite a number of people over the last week have been saying things on the doorstep like "Cameron just tells you what he thinks you want to hear" and "You don't know what he believes". That wasn't the case in the weeks before that, so I suspect the message is getting through. All that Vote Tory, Get Green, shite is just trying to take the voters for mugs... they know you, they remember you. That's why 9 years into a Labour Government in crisis, with a Lib Dem opposition totally lacking credibility, you are still beached on the low 30% mark. Live with it!
I just love that chameleon- the Tories should really market it....bumper stickers, coffee mugs and so on. The chameleonarmy.com site sells USA T shirts, the reptile is not cute so I don't want that...but this little cutie...I will buy it any day....the Tories could make serious money here for a good cause. Think about it please.
As for the PPB- its a remake of last weeks'....most of it uses the same frames...it's rubbish...like the Party that wastes money on making it.
Pulsar, the "30% mark" is national, not Smethwick. In Smethwick the Tories would have wet dreams about 30%!
The thing about the chameleon advert is that it's... true. It sums up what quite a lot of Conservatives think about Cameron (apart from the "he's really an unreconstructed Tory" bit), and plays into the opinion shown via the polls that the public think Cameron is more spin than substance.
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