Some might think these guns ought to be facing the other way (metaphorically of course), but when he eventually gets round to making his long awaited statement Charles Clarke isn't going to resign. He will bombard the media with statistics on which of the freed prisoners are still at large or which are now facing immediate deportation. I understand from sources in the Home Office that of the 1023 people concerned, around 80 were convicted for serious offences like murder or rape. I also understand that there have been re-offences. It is the scale and seriousness of these which will determine the Home Secretary's fate. Our breath is baited.
UPDATE: 5.26 Nick Clegg on 5 Live is breaking the statement embargo and giving details before Charles Clarke has spoken. He'll live to regret that. The custom in these circumstances is for the Home Secretary's Private Office to fax the Conservatives & LibDems in advance so they can prepare their response. But they are not supposed to go public on it. I predict that's the last time Nick Clegg will get anything! He said there are 5 cases of serious re-offending which include drugs and violent GBH offences and an allegation of rape.
I thought it was Clarke who was supposed to be illiberal? An "allegation of rape" doesn't constitute serious reoffending.
Clarke wa sthe one that wanted to introduce a verdict of not proven as opposed to not guilty this week. hoisting and petards come to mind
Simon Hughes has just done the same thing on Sky news?!?
BBC news online:-
"Home Secretary Charles Clarke said the five had been convicted since release for offences relating to drugs, violent disorder and inflicting bodily harm."
Surely he must go.
JS, you're presuming he has some shred of common decency...
Clegg could do with being taken down a peg or two.
Did you also noticed how Nick Clegg referred to David Davis as the "Conservative Spokesman" and in an e-mail I got the other day from Clegg he signed off as "Shadow Home Secretary".
If anyone hasn't seen it, I can't recommend this article by Jeff Randall on accountabilty in business and in politics highly enough:
fungus the bogey man escapes
no way will blair let him go, if clark/hewitt/prescott go then he has no power base
Bob Piper - your remark abut an allegation of rape not constituting serious reoffending - think that depends whether you are the woman who has "alleged" a man has raped her, or not. Believe the victim generally finds it quite serious, all things considered. Sorry you think this is so trivial.
Or do you hold to the theory that all rape allegations are false? (Some may be, of course, but I feel it is rather a sweeping generalisation)
Looks like the fat tramp has cocked one of those p38s
says a lot about the professionalism of our armed police that he was allowed to do that eeven if it was unloaded, its bad firearm handling .
"Clegg could do with being taken down a peg or two."
Quite right, ted.
Clegg is a complete twat. How can anyone seriously believe he would run a bath, let along run a party?
Not only is the upper P38 cocked, but charlie does not have either weapon in a secure grip and he is not looking where he is pointing them (somewhere in the middle distance in a built up area, is my guess).
My old range officer would have taken me round the back of the clubhouse and given me a serious "two fist safety lesson" if I'd ever displayed such callous disregard for the lives of others.
And this guy leads the drive to make Britain gun free. Fucking pathetic!
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