"Unconfirmed reports from Cowley Street indicate that new Lib Dem policies will include "cod liver oil for all", "a pacemaker in every community" and "bringing back that nice Mr Gladstone".
Mr Monkey is a far-sighted primate. He obviously didn't realise that one of the LibDems' vote-catching policies at the last election was indeed to provide Cod Liver Oil on the NHS, if I recall it correctly. It proved extremely popular in North Norfolk!
We should obviously abandon it now it's been said it makes no difference though!
This cheap shot from the nanny state party dedicated to ending the scourge of Chocolate Oranges?
james, for christ's sake lighten up and recognise a little humour when you see it. Any anyway, Recess Monkey is a Labour supporter! And for what it's worth, I shall remain an occasional consumer of chocolate oranges! When I've stopped my diet, that is...
Gladstone was against increasing government spending (indeed was quuite parsimonious), opposed Moslem terrorism in the Balkans & had never thought of "social inclusion", planning controls or covering the country with windmills.
They wouldn't let him in.
lol, havn't researchers recently found that cod liver oil can actually have negative effects on some people?
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