This is me, unusually indulging in a bit of manual labour this afternoon in Tunbridge Wells... So I thought you might enjoy a bit of a caption competition...
To get us started, how about...
"Iain admits: "Yup, I got the global warming thing all wrong..."
PS No, I haven't traded in the Audi...
Where's that damn earring!
Dale is less than subtle in his burying of Kerry.
"Digging a hole is part of the scrappage!"
A police investigate was triggered following the publication of this photo.
Police confirmed that it was related to the disappearance of all the candidates in an open primary for a safe conservative seat later won by Iain Dale in the 2010 election.
Ed Miliband decides this is a good way to bury news of a failure to reach agreement in Copenhagen Climate Change talks.
Iain Dale acts as good Samaritan to Brass Monkey
Bugger, I was just driving to a BBQ, as the Warmists had promised me it would be sub-tropical round here by now.
“Don’t worry” he said, “I’ll just chuck the keys over” Mutter mutter..
And I thought 4x4's are supposed to work as well out here as they do in Chelsea!
"Iain Dale regrets inviting Amy Winehouse over for dinner"
I come not to praise Caesar, I come to bury him.
"My truck is stuck, oh waht rotten luck!"
Iain Dale decides to take advantage of the government's new snow futures trading scheme. 30 tons of snow to be delivered in 2040 to the Desert of London (as the City will be known by then- if the EU doesn't do for them, global warming will) fetched a good price today.
Nobody will find the body if I bury her in this white stuff.
Lord Tebbit is arriving at any moment with the 'cargo' and he fully expects Camerons grave to be ready on time and we all know that disappointing the Chingford boot boy is not a wise move.
Anonymous Attack Blogger
finds good day to bury
New Labour.
Ah. That would be the frozen south, then?
MP caught red-handed desperately trying to bury Jeep inadvertently claimed on expenses.
Clarkson to Dale "Go out there and clear the f***ing drive of all that snow. When this edition of Top Gear goes out, it's supposed to be mid-summer so you had better make sure you do a good job."
"The only Tory in Tunbridge Wells capable of organising snow clearance."
Seriously Iain - why are you not spitting blood about the state of the roads in Tunbridge Wells today? I was disgusted and I don't even live there!!! :-)
It is an utter joke that even after lunch there were cars getting stuck outside Victoria Place, as far as I could see there had been no effort to clear snow from any of the roads in TW. I can't say the Highways Agency had exactly excelled itself on trunk routes like the A21 - as late as 3pm conditions there were still bad enough that cars were stuffing themselves into hedges, and the A229 north of Staplehurst was quite nasty in places. But at least they'd made a token effort - whereas TW was virtually a no-go zone, the Ice Station Zebra of the Weald.
Surely a basic function of elected officials is to enable their voters and taxpayers to go about their business? This incompetence must have had a devastating effect on the economy of TW on the Friday before Christmas - there were several outlets in VP and elsewhere that were obviously shut because people could not get in, and I visited two businesses out in the Weald that had had to cancel work.
A Tory dominated County Council should be ashamed of themselves in letting down their local businesses like this? They have a legal responsibility to maintain clear and safe passage on the highway including the clearance of snow and ice, so why can they not do it? Let alone a more general duty of care to their constituents.
It's not as though these were minor roads, nor was it the immediate aftermath of snowfall.
I'd suggest that Roy Bullock and John Davies have some questions to answer....
[apologies for the rant, but I thought this was an example of Tory incompetence that was quite close to home. :-) ]
Bugger! I should have bought the Quattro!
Don't criticise Iain. He knows where the bodies are buried.
There's snow business like snow business...
Reminds me of that wonderful film 'ICE COLD IN ALEX'- digging out of sand dunes.
"I thought I put the bottles of Bolly to chill down here! Where the hell are they?
PS Boo hoo, no snow in Dorset, yet.
Call Lord Monckton for your weather forecasts in future, and park the vehicle up a hill overnight. So much easier in the morning when the global warming syndrome lets us down.
Monckton was knocked unconscious by Police under UN command yesterday.
Anyone noticed?
Monckton Knocked Out By Police.
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