Monday, February 22, 2010

Labour To Be Slated Over Glasgow North East Postal Votes

My Scottish spies tell me that the Electoral Commission is about to issue a damning report which slates Labour's role in collecting postal votes prior to the Glasgow North East.

Background HERE and HERE.

More later.

UPDATE: Apologies, I had a brainstorm earlier and said this was about Glenrothes. It's not, it's about Glasgow North East.

UPDATE: The Scotsman has the story HERE.


DOCTOR WHY said...

Truth is the daughter of time, and it's certainly high time Labour got their come-uppance over their habitual electoral shenanigans. Any hint of the Electoral Commission slating Labour/anyone over the missing register?

Elby the Beserk said...

Excellent - AND ABOUT BLOODY TIME. The real question is - how will this be monitored in the forthcoming election? I for one believe that there are no depths to which Labour are not prepared to stoop to win this election.

Tapestry said...

the register turned up - four months later - blank. It was an electronic record all set to zero, with the click of a mouse.

Jimmy said...

Why would Labour be responsible for an election run in a SNP/LibDem Council?

Iain Dale said...

You are about to find out.

Andrew said...

Iain---good blog on SNP Tactical Voting

Wrinkled Weasel said...

You had me there. I thought, "Crikey, what is Dale on to? He is so mauve."

Willie Bain got a decisive majority in Glasgow NE, despite most of the constituents not being able to spell "X".- this better be good!

Not a sheep said...

Won't stop them using postal voting at the next general election to ensure the maximum Labour vote.

Ian M said...

Response to Jimmy. Remember until 2007 Fife was Labour. It had been since its inception in 1974. In effect the Officers had been appointed by a Labour Council and in Scotland to be appointed to any senior position by a long term Labour Council, you have to be a Labour supporter or related to a Labour Member. Bear in mind that the documents were supposed to be lodged at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court and who is the MP for Kirkcaldy?

I offer the thought that Glenrothes was a good dry run for Labour to steal the forthcoming General Election. All you need are corrupt local officials

Now much as I loathe the BNP, they have come up with one good idea. I gather that under the 1870 Ballot Act, political candidates are entitled to place their own seals on every ballot box on it being closed at the polling station at the end of Poll- the BNP have indicated they wish to do this at Barking. Every Tory Assosciation (or certainly those in a marginal seat) should write to their Returning Officer advising him that on the closure of Poll, the appropriate Polling Agent will also place an offical seal and that seal will be examined at the opening of the ballot boxes before verification at the count. If there is any sign of tampering,an injuction/interim interdict to stop the count be sought immediately

Andrew said...

Amusing side to Labour smears about Mrs Pratt's office being just along from a Conservative Office.
Gordon Brown's constituency Office is very near the Court from where the electoral Register vanished.

Surely not....

Jimmy said...

"Bear in mind that the documents were supposed to be lodged at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court and who is the MP for Kirkcaldy?"

And under the Scottish system the MP is in charge of the Court is he?

I knew they had a different system up there but I never knew how different.

I suppose the last three general elections were fixed too.

Anonymous said...

Until New Labour took over we could have faith that at least our elections were run fairly.
Except for some of the murkier parts of Labour controled Scotland we could trust that tha use of tax payers money for party gain was limited.

Now we assume anything the government does is for pary advantage and even the election process will be twisted for advantage.

This is another reason to keep first past the post. The simpler the process the less oportunity there will be for Labour to cheat.