UPDATE: For some reason four of the questions dropped off the end. They are now back. They concern news sources, magazines, religion and level of political activity.
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
I can only count ten questions!
Also, it would be useful to be able to split employment from political activity. Some of us (heroes!!) have jobs and council seats! It would be nice to know how many people are actively involved in political activity on the ground where they live.
Hmmm. wonder where the other went. Will check when I get back to my laptop! Maybe I miscounted. If so I will add a question on political activity.
Surely it would have been better to make all the questions part of a single survey- then you'd have a better analytical outcome?
What happened to TB's 606 thing? I saw a rather hyperventilating blackberry update last night begging people to phone him to ask him difficult questions about the offside rule, no doubt, but no review by your diaryship today and your blackberry post has been removed, more's the pity. Was TB's performance on 606 too good to bitch about?
Paul, It was last night, not tonight. I haven't been able to listen to it yet. Far better things to do. Like my accounts.
Being 30, I'm stuck on the second question as there are presently two 'boxes to tick' for that age!
Anon 4.21 - do you consider yourself an old or a young 30? Vote accordingly.
For PW re TB606:
Well a nice lady over at COSG fooled the BBC question vetters into thinking she was going to ask about what wives should do while hubby watches Footy. Instead she asked him how long he thought England would have a team at all in view of his regionalisation goals, and wouldn't it therefore be better to have a BRITSH team.
Ho ho ho! The embarrassed waffling by both His Toniness and the Beeb fellow was v amusing, particularly when you knew what was going on.
I'm curious, Iain, why you chose to include the religious question?
SPL, cos I'm nosy. Thought it'd be interesting! No other reason.
Just spotted the age question - couldn't you make it "35-44" or something, rather than the brutal "41-50"?
I have now faithfully completed all the questions, including the couple you snuck in after the rest. Most enjoyable. I got particular, and perhaps unnatural, pleasure from voting for Vanessa Feltz to be the Conservative candidate for mayor of London.
There was no choice for who I would vote for in an election. I've deserted the Conservatives and I'm hoping that the EDP put a candidate in my area, because I WANT AN ENGLISH PARLIAMENT.
Also, there was no choice there for YORKSHIRE. I am not a regional resident, I am a county resident.
Also, I am politically active, but I suspect the questions are geared towards political party activities. Some of us have ideals that we campaign for, such as AN ENGLISH PARLIAMENT.
Also, there are some bloody rich buggars visiting your blog.
Tyke, I too am in favour of an English parliament. But you won't get it by voting for a minor party. You'll get it by arguing its case within the Conservative Party, which is what i am doing.
Are the votes for Portillo a joke? He has already announced he is not running (although how the party would have a candidate whom none of the party's activists would be prepared to work for, I don't know).
I'd vote for you Iain if you were my MP or candidate, but my MP does not think we should have our own Parliament. I just cannot vote for him, because of that.
My vote is all I have at the moment. I'm not rich, I'm white, from a forces family, working class and don't claim benefits or sleep with Prescott.
I have no influence in government, but I won't allow them to erase my country without a fight on their hands. I have remained silent through a lot of seedy political antics, but they've gone too far now. Enough is enough.
My MP is Greg Knight.
Bit difficult this survey for me. I was a Conservative Councillor of a Town and District Council in Cheshire many, many moons ago, but exported myself to Vienna. Anne Winterton is still the MP and a very good one too...despite Labour's efforts to have her removed. There's not many good ladies in politics you know and judging by the percentage that took the survey it goes to show that a good many appear not to take any active interest...shame!
tyke - You are one of the heroes.
- Anonymousette
Are You Male or Female?
Wot no FTM or MTF box ?
This is not the Inclusive Tories we were promised
It seems most of your readers of young bibliophilic male Tory researchers in need of some spare cash. This seems fertile ground for the line "Do you want to come up and see my library?"
I really like this opinion poll thing.
1) Interesting that such a high percentage are in the 51-100k bracket
2) Lib Dem News!?! Hahaha. Very good. And I'm one of 9 readers...
3) Who is the one MP then?
Take off Michael Portillo. He ruled himself out a week ago.
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