With superb timing, the ever industrious Tim Montgomerie has followed up his
LabourDoNotDo.com website with a new venture today. He's launching WhenWillBlairGo.com, which you can visit
HERE. He's inviting people to predict the exact time and date of Blair's departure from Downing Street, and whoever gets it spot on will win £500. A gimmick? Yes. But it all adds to the sense that Blair's finished and it's just a matter of time before he goes. Sadly Tim has failed in one respect. He's failed to get Charles Clarke to be the first person to text a prediction. This is just the sort of thing the Blogosphere ought to be doing and is illustrative of the sort of political campaigning Tim learnt about from his trip to the USA earlier this year. I wonder what he's got up his sleave next! He's got a few predictions on his front page, of which mine is one. I've said...
The Dear Leader will announce in his conference speech on 26 September 2006 that he intends to stand down at the end of the year, thereby giving the Labour Party three months to elect a successor. His premiership will therefore end at one minute to midnight on December 31 2006.Obviously quite barkingly wrong, but you never know.
I suppose 'not soon enough' is too vague an answer....
Iain - I hope you were closer to the mark last Thursday when you wrote, "This [the Vermin Selling Ermine scandal] all suggests great dangers ahead for the Dear Leader. Which is why I still believe he may be gone by the end of the year [ie in disgrace and well before 31/12]."
< irony > Anyone notice that Prescott is the Cassandra de nos jours? Those tectonic plates of his really seem to be getting a move on at last... < /irony >
Blair'll be vague at conference then two weeks later a unselfconscious delusional stalking horse (Blunkett) will emerge and loudly force a contest which Brown will win. So, 4pm, November 23rd 2006.
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