Thursday, June 29, 2006

Should Bloggers Get Their Snouts in The Trough?

There's a very interesting article by Howard Kurtz HERE on the American bloggers joining the Democrats' payroll. Hillary Clinton has hired a professional blogger for her forthcoming presidential senatorial campaign. Now there's a thought. Blogger in Chief to David Cameron. Hmmm. Could be an interesting career move. Mary Dejevsky would approve. But better not. Jonathan Ross might make too much of it.


dizzy said...

Does'nt David Milliband have bloggers on the payroll?

Anonymous said...

In the past I have worked with several judges, and I have never come across a more "in touch" group of people. They sympathise with everyone who has every suffered as a result of a crime, and they do the best they can to remain up to date. However, their job is to apply the law, but if the law is stupid then they get the blame for some reason. Now who is it who comes up with these laws...?

Anonymous said...

Blogger-for-hire - I like it - there may be hope for me yet!

Ellee Seymour said...

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest.