A couple of days ago I told you I was travelling to Grassington in North Yorkshire tomorrow with Ann Widdecombe to do onme of our theatre shows - it's a sellout apprently. I said I would be in the car with her for ten hours - I was wrong. I'm told it is four hours each way. You've sent me some questions to ask her in the Podcast I'll be recording during the journey, but what should we do for the other seven hours 45 minutes? If I fall asleep, I'll snore. As I'm not driving she can't berate me for driving with my knees (which did actually happen once, believe it or not - albeit for a nanosecond). Should we admire the scenery of the M1? Count motorway bridges? Develop a new policy on abortion for DC to consider? What do you think? All suggestions will be read out to Ann during the course of the journey. Well, when I say 'all', I probably mean 'some'. Ok then, I mean 'very few'. Or possibly even 'none'. Go to it.
Ask her when she's going to unleash the Widdi-blog on the world?
Will she have any say in who might succeed her in Maidstone? Is there any possibility that it might be a politically incorrect, white male, with Christian convictions, who might be outspoken on matters of morality and faith?
Or am in fantasy land?
Cranmer, are you saying I should put my name forward?! I'd be delighted to have your blessing!
Anonymous beat me to it. You should exchange tips on how to run a popular blog.
Widdy Web is an under rated work of genius. Help her spread the word about it. While we're on the subject, don't you have any pets you can tell us about Iain?
What's the matter with you Dale, she can talk football surely?
Ann very famously got berated for one of her speeches at Conservative Party conference when she took a hard line against the sale and use of illigal drugs- including cannabis.
In contrast David Cameron seems very relaxed about the subsequent downgrading of the classification of this drug, while the UN have issued a very hardline report today. I wonder what her views are now?
Tell her you promise tnot to snore... if she promises not to fart. Always a good conversation piece I find, and something you might be glad of.
Mr Dale,
I should be delighted to give you my blessing. Please direct me to your outspoken comments on matters of morality and faith.
But I rather suspect you would accord more with the discursive compromising of the Archbishop of Canterbury than with Ms Widdecombe's Popish leanings...
don't ask her what she thinks of DC.Remember what she did to Howard.For what it's worth,I don't think he ever recovered.Does she regret it?
Ask Ann for her views on Savanarola. A force for good or not.
On a personal note, ask her if she has tried any anti blinking remedies. This unfortunate habit is disconcerting and detracts from what she says when on TV. Charles Colvin, cricket tv broadcaster, had a bad case of blinking but in last year or so seems to have had this condition cured. Hope this is not offensive.
wmbyrd... I suspect at the very mention of the word porno Iain will be turfed out of the car.
If she's quitting Westminster, would she consider standing as London Mayoral candidate? And if not, who does she suggest?
How would she encourage more women to follow her into parliament without resorting to All Women Shortlists?
Michael Howard has just suggested a "tree tax" for flights. Keeping on the environment theme, will you be offsetting the co2 emissions of your car journey?
And why did you not use public transport for this journey? And by not doing so are you condemning the UK public transport network as useless?
I'd like to ask her how I can become as scary as she is?
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