UPDATE: The comments have been highly entertaining!

To put you out of your collective misery I shall be meeting Larry Hagman, Linda Gray and Patrick Duffy on Wednesday when they are in town to record an episode of Wogan Then and Now. I'm a huge Dallas fan, as you might have guessed. Sue Ellen, you're a drunk a bitch, a whore and an unfit mother.
A shoulder pad, a stetson, ... the shower - big hair? Dallas? Dynasty? Joan Collins?
- Anonymousette
If it is La Collins, she is an absolutely splendid individual, as evidenced by her occasional diary columns in The Spectator.
Richard from Big Brother?
Burt Reynolds?
My brain hurts! Could it be ... that Shower "Padhat", who is most probably some ethnic politician from the Labour party that none of us have heard of?
A shower and a hat....Mark Oaten?!
But then the other clue would exclude him....so Pamela from Dallas?!
Or Patrick Duffy who stepped out the shower??
Can't be La Collins - no diamonds
I don't think of Joan Collins and diamonds. Wigs, yes; and she certainly believes in make-up. But I don't think I've seen her mentioned in conjunction with diamonds in particular ... I agree with Croydonian; her diary columns in The Speccie are always entertaining.
- Aonymousette
You're going to Dallas for a meeting with the chairman of Thames Water, and you've hurt your shoulder?
AquaLisa - she's not worth it.
Nonone in Dallas wears Stetsons....maybe in Houston but oil isn't a Dallas business.
I think Ian has a date with a pole-dancer...........there used to be a great club on Greenville in Dallas with some superb long-legged girls whose bras and G-strings were stuffed with $10 bills.
What do you mean oil isnt a Dallas business? You mean when I visited Southfork as an 8 year old when I lived in America it wasnt real? Say it isnt so!!
rick is correct. Stetsons are worn in Houston, not Dallas, although they are worn with expensive business suits and often extremely expensive Western boots. Houston is the oil capital of the United States and the world. Plus all the big refineries are down around the Houston Ship Channel, which oil tankers can navigate out of the Gulf of Mexico. Dallas is 250 miles north.
I'll bet Dale is having a bit of a larff and we're completely off-track.
I am very much enjoying this conjecture so I think I will leave you all in suspenders a little longer!
Crumbs, are you saying that "Dallas" wasn't true to life?!
I reckon it's either Larry Hagman (who did wear a stetson) or Joan Collins. As for the shower... remember that scene with the water-logged shoulder pads in Dynasty - this brought it all rushing back, though I'm puzzled that Krystal seems to have turned into a bloke in one of the pics: http://80sactual.blogspot.com/2005/05/dynasty-watery-confrontation.html
Could it be Joanie? Or perhaps it's that guy out of Miami Vice... the one with the bouffant mullet, linen jacket (with clearly visible shoulder pads outlined) and designer stubble. Did he wear a hat and take a shower? He never seemed to wear socks for some reason, and when I aped that trend, my feet were rubbed raw by my canvas shoes...
Bet I'm MILES OFF! Come on, Iain - spill the beans!
Personally, I think it's Joannie, although I don't really get the shower shot. But I'm hoping it's Joannie because she's a lot of fun and would be a great interview with Dale.
Jonathan Shepherd - I have even worse news for you. Not even was Dallas never even vaguely in the oil business, but Southfork wasn't in Dallas but in Plano, Texas, closer to Ft Worth. I had friends who lived almost across the (admittedly extremely wide) street from the house in Plano used as an exterior for Southfork and the tourists and tour buses drove them nuts.
Anyway, Dale's said he's going to leave us in suspenders, so I think that is an additional clue. Hmmmm. What did he mean by that? Any ideas?
I hope to God it's nothing to do with Mark Oaten.
- Anonymousette
Hey! Wait a minute! The steamy Joannie shower shot in 'The Stud' (not that I ever saw it, drawing skirts aside). It's Joan Collins! For sure! BET MONEY!
It's Joannie - I'm absolutely certain! The shower is The Stud,which I never saw, but heard about (ahem) and the rest is obvious.
It is Joannie and I hope I get a prize for being first. You are having a chat with Joan Collins! My guess, she will be witty and entertaining.
A shower coming from the left;
An enormous chip on the shoulder;
And cowboys.
Ah, yes.
It's the Scottish Parliament.
I don't believe you haven't got it yet. It's Adam Rickitt - who sang a song in a shower, has been photographed dressed weirdly and also not dressed much at all.
Patrick Duffy
Blindingly obvious.
Douglas Hogg.
I'm going to go slightly mroe lateral here.... we all know JC is in the country, but shoulderpads showers and stetsons speaks mroe of Dallas than Dynasty....
So who does that put in the country? Methinks Gurinder Chadha - she of Bend it Like Beckham fame, recent visitor to the palace for an OBE and the director of the new Dallas film....
Luke Wilson? He's rumoured to be playing Bob Ewing in Dallas-the Movie
Oh, yawwnn! Why?
On second thoughts, why, why, why?
So I was right with Patrick Duffy - the first time - partially! Do I get some sort of prize?
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