Much gnashing of teeth in Number Ten this morning as another ueber-Blairite jumps ship. Chris Bryant, PPS to Lord Falconer, has resigned from his brief in order to speak out on House of Lords reform. This is the second occasion Mr Bryant has de-briefed himself in public, but taste prevents me from discussing the first time. Of course Bryant's resignation could be taken at face value, but his enemies would point out that there isn't a lot Mr Bryant does without having some sort of politically expedient motive. Only a couple of weeks ago he refused a position coordinating European matters for the Party because they wouldn't make him a Vice Chairman, conveniently ignoring the fact that such a position does not exist.
Oh, I thought he was going to show us his underwear's choices had improved........
How can anybody vote for this fool?
The very fact that he thinks it acceptable for an MP to post a photo of themself on a pickup website clad only in a pair of Y fronts proves how unsuitable he is to legislate, can any of you imagine Nicholas Soames or Dennis Skinner doing the same ?
Peter Hitchens, he increased his majority last year (he lost just 0.5% and Plaid in second place lost more)...so his activities seem appreciated from the people of the Rhondda! (not that a Labour candidate would risk to lose that seat in a normal situation)
AWoodman I agree that he is an arsecreeper. In his case its his own arse that he is shoving his head into.
As Chris has been arguing for an elected House of Lords since the time you Tories were demanding the hereditraies stayed, i think this is a case of Mr Pot, meet my good friend Dr Kettle.
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