No comment necessary. Particularly from me. I'll get my coat. Perhaps I should have done after this picture. I wonder if the press will give Ben Abbott the same treatment they gave DD. No, I doubt it too.
PS. For those who don't know Ben Abbott, he's the losing LibDem candidate in next week's Bromley & Chislehurst by-election. Hat-tip for graphic to No Geek is an Island
Ahhhh the "DD for me" t-shirts, pretty iconic but not the most significant factor of the leadership contest. Had DC not blown the conference away with his amazing without notes speech then DD might have survived the t-shirt fiasco.
DC's conference speech was really drab, but that he did it without notes encouraged the Tories to think he was inevitable. I didn't think his speech was amazing. I just thought it was a piece of chutzpah and not terribly good.
DD is the natural leader of the Conservative Party. I dislike Dave more with every passing day.
I met Cameron a couple of weeks ago. He looks amazingly young (I'm 50), not as tall as you think but obviously intelligent and sensitive to people.
He has leadership qualities, far in excess of David Davis, who I have also met.
Cameron has no choice but to play the media which will only give him good coverage if he acts as if he's Blair. But Cameron is no Blair.
He has the support of the Parliamentary Party. That is soemthing which no Conservative leader has achieved since Thatcher.
People like Heffer are panicking too soon. Steady the nerves, lads. Read the Guardian if the Telegraph's upsetting you. They've got the measure of the situation better at the moment.
What? Surely getting photographed with some decent talent shows that he HAS learned from the earlier mistake?
Here in Mexico the election campaign is in full swing. Wanna get a driver to stop and take your election leaflet? Hire some seriously sexy girls, stick them in miniskirts, and position them at the traffic lights. Works like a charm.
Conservative Party members are concentrated in certain Southern constituencies - Parliamentary seats are widely dispersed around the United Kingdom.
It will be fascinating to see just how representative Conservative members are with the candidate they selected - whether he appeals to them alone in which case the Conservatives become a Home Counties Regional Party................or to the nation as a whole in which case Labour and LibDems can face a third national party.
Oh, get over yourself anonymousette. Even DD would now acknowledge DC's speech was a turning point and perfectly timed. We haven't seen the 'natural' leader of the Party so convincingly crowned by the baying mob that is conference for many decades.
May I be the first to express my sorrow at Mr Abbott's crushing defeat.
Is that the Cheeky Girls with Ben?
It's "No geek", Iain, not "No man". Big difference ;-)
Imagine replacing Ben Abbotts with Bob Neill in that photo and what level his head would be. Just too Benny Hill to mention
I wear my t-shirt with pride still....the whole thing was a sense of humour failure all round. We were in Blackpool for goodness sake. If you can't be tacky in Blackpool, where can you??
How are things going in B&C Iain?
I'm still hopping to get myself down there but as things stand I'm struggling to make the time :(
sorry, Iain, but if the Cheeky Girls usually go around dressed in that way, what could Abbott have done?
The pair Abbot got is clearly an improvement to what Davis had, so maybe the history doesn't repeat itself this time.
Anonymous - I didn't say DD's speech wasn't a turning point. Clearly it was. But it was also a cheap trick - exactly the kind of thing Tony Cheap Trick would do.
Exile - the part of Mexico I'm in, they stick girls in mini-skirts or tight, tight jeans to stand at traffic lights and give away flyers for cable TV and discounts at fast food outlets. In other words, just like everywhere else in the world. Men love it and women don't mind.
Fingers crossed President Fox's party gets back in.
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