6am The Big Breakfast with Eric Pickles
10.00am Bargain Jeremy Hunt
10.30am This Morning with Ann & Nick Winterton
11.30am Grumpy Old Tories with Sir Peter & Sir Patrick
12.00noon The Saint and Dominic Grievesey
1.00pm Fox News with Liam and Jesme
1.30pm Keith & Mrs Simpson
2.00pm The Darling Buds of Theresa May
2.30pm Just William Hague
3.00pm The Graham Brady Bunch
3.30pm Biker Gove with PJ & Alan Duncan
4.00pm Skippy the George W Bush Kangaroo
4.15pm Blue Peter with Richard Bacon
4.30pm Bill Cash in the Attic
5.00pm The Weakest Spink
5.30pm The ToryTubbies with Nicholas Soames
6.00pm Judge John Reid
6.30pm How do you solve a problem like Maria Miller?
7.00pm IainDale Farm
9.00pm Liddington Britain
9.30pm I’m a Conservative, Get me out of Here
10.00pm The Ten O'Clock News with Nadine Dorries
10.30pm Bluesnight, presented by Paul Goodman
11.20 The George Osbornes
10.30pm Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Isaby
11.00pm Blue Dwarf
11.30pm Michael Howard’s Way
12.00 Conservative Love Island hosted by Ann Widdecombe & John Hayes
1.00am John Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)
1.30am Candid Cameron
If you can think of any more to include in the schedules, leave them in the comments!
* based on a blogpost published on this blog in August 2006.
Bargain Jeremy Hunt
"Chums." Geddit?
Or "Knowing Me, Knowing You. With Alan Duncan"
Brideshead Revisited Revisited
Can I draw attention to the advert you are running protesting about Browns British Waterways sell of. The link I think is to a No10 petition you can sign to protest - I commend it.
And a good job too!
Ha! It reads like an old 18 Doughty Street call sheet ;-)
What a nightmare of a schedule! ;-)
"programmes you'll never see on the BBC"
Any positive programmes about Christians.
Any negative programmes about gays.
Any positive programmes about Israel.
Any negative programmes about Islam.
Any negative programmes about Anthropogenic Climate change.
Anything remotely positive about Dan Hannan.
Anything with old people in it.
Anything negative about Africa or black people, particularly, black politicians or Asian politicians.
The list, depressingly is endless.
The BBC is guilty of the sin of omission. It's what they do.
Biker GOVE with PJ & Alan Duncan
Saint and Dominic Grievesie
Well, you asked for it:
Blue Peter
The Generation Game, with Nick Hurd and Bernard Jenkin.
Boles' House Party
Five Live TV special with (the other) Richard Bacon
Film: Oliver! ("Please sir, can I have some Maude?")
Pebble Millbank at One
The George Young Ones
Saved By the Bellingham
To the Manor Osborne
Grayling's Anatomy
Murder She Wrote, starring Andrew-a Lansley-bury
Trevorsden, the Waterways issue is dear to me, having lived on a narrowboat for two years a while back.
The Waterways are an incredible part of our national heritage, our identity, our greatness as a nation. They are more alive now than they were 30 years ago. They are, in fact brimming, full to the brim, with the cogent proof of British engineering.
So, Brown, in his philistine wisdom, is going to dump it, and has been quietly doing so for some years. At least the Muslims won't lose out, cos apparently, their funding is sacrosanct.
You do realise that there is already a channel called "Dave" which I think is part owned by the BBC.
UKIP Leadership results now in:
No comment about Bob Crow being on Have I Got News For You tonight?
There is a description of the recording of the programme here
Oh dear, Iain... that was painful. Any chance we could go back to photos of your hideous ties instead? :)
The Archers: an everyday story of perjuring folk
Going for a Fortune: the MPs' expenses show
Cash in your Upper House
The Afternoon Serial Adulterer (this program is not suitable for members of Norfolk Conservative Associations)
In Our Pocket: Great Lobbyists Recall Past Glories
Antique Rogues Show hosted by senior members of the House of Lords
All Star Family Fortunes hosted by the Watsons and the Robinsons
Can't cook books, won't cook books hosted by Philip Hollibone
Have I Got Claims for You starring Sir Peter Viggers, Jacqui Smith, Douglas Hogg and Antony Steen. Chaired by Alan Duncan
Peter Mandelson's F Word in which the celebrity minister cooks up some novel goodies with some friends from Corfu
BBC2. 10.30pm - Bluesnight.
Radio 4. 6am-9am - The Hooray Programme
Bearwood (Spinoff from Dr. Where)
Can't we play Mornington Crescent instead?
Lord Mandleson on Radio 4 Thought for Today.
Candid Cameron
Brown: A Weak in Politics.
Come, NaDine With Me.
More seriously the programme i do not expect to see is The Classic Debate & in particular the episode debating Global warming.
Such debating is, as those MPs who were active as students know, a very successful & entertaining way of reaching political conclusions. However it involves the common people in knowing what is going on & weakens the likes of Paxman (or rather Paxman's puppet masters since he is personally sceptical of the warming hype he spouts) as controllers of information.
I have no doubt such a programme would be popular & the consistent refusal of broadcasters proves how corrupt they are.
should have been bluesnight presented by Hariet Harman's husband
Brown Your way. Where did it all go wrong?
I recall that Daniel Hannan was and likely still is very upset not to have got onto Late Night Lineup, and Douglas Carswell bitterly resents that Beeb's failure to promote their book . . .
Tom Harris was shooed off QT . . .
I've been on Crackerjack myself and Eurovison ignoring Pink Floyd, they aren't missing much.
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