Friday, November 27, 2009

Daniel Poulter Selected for Central Suffolk

Consultant gynaecologist Daniel Poulter has this evening been selected to succeed Sir Michael Lord as Conservative candidate for Central Suffolk & North Ipswich. Graham Dines has the full story HERE on the East Anglian Daily Times website.

Poulter was also a finalist for Beckenham, which selects next week. He beat five other candidates: Katy Bourne, Tim Clark, Joanna Gardner, Dominic Schofield, and Claire Strong.


Westminster Worker said...

He was the only 'local' candidate in the Beckenham final six next week. Now he will obviously not go forward for that selection maybe this will let through another candidate (atleast 3 local Cllrs applied and failed to make the final 6) or will the local party proceed with 5 candidates?

What about you Iain, after Bracknell. Are you keen on anything else or are you sitting it out now it has got so near to the election itself?

Iain Dale said...

That's for me to know and you to guess!

Anonymous said...

Well, this landlord guesses Dale's lining something up, then! It would be a rubbish secret if he was planning on sitting it out!

Mirtha Tidville said...

Seems like another one that `Dave`s` parachuted in....

Anonymous said...

Orpington CVs go in on Monday, Iain. Don't delay!

SorenK said...

Dave & Central Office seem to have got their timing all wrong with latest email missive on Copenhagen Summit.

Read the responses. 99% against the Tory posn on this boondoggle.

Norton Folgate said...



Any thoughts on the Tories ignoring the UKIP offer not to stand in the next GE providing Dave guaranteed us our referendum?

Michael Heaver said...

Now I am intrigued Iain!

Unknown said...

You could argue that a gynecologist is far more important than a politician....
but that would be uncharitable?

Unsworth said...


He's in trouble already. Just waiting for the obvious comments...

Jeff said...

Well let me be the first to say that Daniel has not 'had a bad day' given this news.

(I geneuinely thought the Tories had picked the singer who turns out to be Daniel Powter when I saw the title.)

M said...

Least its good to have someone who will be qualified to discuss the problems with the NHS instead of having someone who has no experience of working in a hospital yet is telling them what to do. Doctor David Bull would have been a good one but he's dropped out

haddock said...

ah yes, ...the ignoring of the UKIP offer not to stand ....

Not like you Iain to miss a big political story....
Tory Bear missed it as well

I note that comments are not possible on Conhome regarding their posting of the information.

don't want to talk about it ?

Anonymous said...

Are we getting a lot of Doctors as candidates?

Better than lawyers.