"This morning I chaired a committee of COBRA"
COBRA is the Committee which meets to oversea terrorist crises. Now I stand to be corrected on this, but I am pretty sure it is normally chaired by the Prime Minister. And if the Prime Minister is unavailable, surely it should be chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister. I am also pretty sure that in previous years Prescott has indeed chaired COBRA on occasion. Perhaps my better informed readers might email me if they recall direct examples.
John Reid also gave a long list of people he had been in touch with this morning - the PM, David Cameron, Ming Campbell, David Davis, Nick Clegg, the US Department of Homeland Security. He didn't mention the DPM at all.
So the question is this: If the Deputy Prime Minister has no role to play in this crisis, what on earth is his role, exactly?
UPDATE: 4.23pm. This is what Downing Street were briefing to the Press Association on 4 August "Mr Prescott will co-ordinate Britain's response to the Middle East conflict in the PM's absence by overseeing relations between the Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence and Department for International Development. He will also chair any meetings of the Government's Cobra committee, which is convened at times of crisis in national security."
UPDATE: 5.06 Just received on the Newsnight email: "[Tonight] our political editor Martha Kearney is examining the political response, the public scepticsm and asks what exactly is John Prescott's role in this crisis." Aren't we all, Martha? Aren't we all...
Whats the DPM's role? To shut up and not break anything surely?
Prescott has chaired COBRA on previous summers - remember him boasting about it to the tourists he invited into No 10 last year?
It's Prescott: are you afraid, or relieved?
Where the fuck is Blair? It's not as if he's faced anything as pressing. Surely he can interrupt his vacation schedule. If nothing else, he's a more soothing orator than Shrub.
Reid has just mentioned that he spoke to the DPM this morning. Actually, this could be more worrying than not having spoken to him.
Surely the DPM sole role is to use his ample frame to keep President BLiar's chair warm whilst he is sunning it up?
Another thought. Is our mate Gordon around? Surely he should be involved in this sort of thing as he prepares to lead the country to the sunny uplands of the socialist utopia (with meanstesting obviously).
Quite sensibly it would appear that JP has been sidelined during this crisis. Just how this fits in with his DPM role is obviously unclear. If the cabinet doesn’t trust him enough to allow him to chair Cobra it again raises the question as to what is he for. Oh I forgot, he’s the minister for heatwaves – truly a post worthy of a cabinet post.
John Reid clearly listed so many people; Tories, Lib Dems and Labour alike, hoping we would notice that Prescott wasn't involved. It would be in very bad taste to suggest Reid is using such an event to position himself for a promotion in the near future, but he wants Prescott to look even more useless than he is. Perhaps he should practice the art of subtlety a little before his (deputy) leadership campaign...
Reid said a bit later that Prescott is in charge of easing community relations in the wake of the arrests. Using his well-known charm, tact and sensitivity, no doubt...
I think that with the UK being in mortal danger as it appsrently is at the moment, Tony Blair should abandon his holiday in the Carribean and get back to Downing Street ASAP. Do you agree?
Iain, Prescott couldn't make it he was hoping to fly to the USA today for a private trip to the ranch!
seriously I thought Reid and Alexander reminded me of a politburo 'briefing' DONT these Labour politicians just LOVE giving the impression they are running the police, the army, the world. Yet when the s... hits the fan not one of them is available. Mind you Reid, the communist would absolutely love his present position.
Brown better be careful Reid is playing the game well and I would put a small wager of him succeeding Blair, if and when, but as you know I do not see him going willingly.
But as for Prescott what a laugh he is having on our backs. Massive salary for doing absolutely sod all.
As a snake in thebgr ass, I would have thought COBRA was right up his street!
The clinics of London would no doubt also be a lot happier if there was evidence that he was shedding skins.
Jesus Christ. So we've actually got John Reid in charge? I'm not sure I prefer this to Prescott...
http://snipurl.com/upux which is just days old says "[Prescott] will also chair any meetings of the Government's Cobra committee, which is convened at times of crisis in national security."
John Reid did say that he had been in touch with the DPM, who he said would be having talks with MPs whose constituencies had seen arrests - hardly the sharp end eh?
Not doing JR's leadership aspirations any damage either.
Gordon Brown's low profile now looks like no profile.
Apparently, Prescott has been sent off to liase with parliamentary representatives of various ethnic groups and MPs of the areas where suspects have been arrested. A ruse to keep him out of the way, perhaps?
Never mind what his role is just be thankful that he is not at the helm at present. Would you want the DPM chairing COBRA at the moment?
I think it's a coup. Look at the flights that are actually grounded rather than just delayed. There is no way Blair is getting back from Barbados in a hurry...:)
Prescott's role is therefore to remain in the cabinet war rooms making sure they're well stocked for a possible siege.
Either that or he's at Humberside International Airport where Pauline was maybe arrested for refusing to leave her hairspray in her hold luggage.
A futher question: has Blair handed Reid the job to help him burnish his credentials as a potential PM-in-waiting-whose-name-isn't-Gordon?
It's not unknown for the Home Sec to chair Cobra. Normally Home Secs are better informed on internal security matters than DPMs. Makes sense. Still, Reid and Alexander didn't half look knackered at their joint press conferences!
Perhaps you could ask his diary secretary what John Prescott was up to this morning.
In fact, sorry to be a bore about this, but I gather even those as lowly as Nick Raynsford have chaired Cobra, when he was Fire Services minister in Oct 02 before firemen's strike. But your point about WTF is Prescott for still stands!
When I heard the news I thought the scariest thing about the lot was the thought of Prescott being in charge. I am relieved to hear he is nowhere near any power, authority or action.
John Reid did explain during the press conference that the DPM was this morning liaising with representatives of various community groups - presumably those who might be targeted in any backlash. Obviously very important work, but not, in the circumstances, quite the at-the-helm role you'd ordinarily expect a PM's official stand-in to take on...
Is there news yet of the caravan parked on the lawn at Chequers yet?
Apparently there's also been heard the sound of hairdryers from inside the building.
The PM or Home Secretary normally chair Cobra meetings.
During last year's July incident, the PM and the Home Secretary chaired meetings separately.
I would anticipate that John Reid's role in chairing the meeting where this incident is concerned is procedural.
During the press conference, Dr Reid said that the DPM had been ringing MPs this morning (it's clearly unique skills like this that justify his salary and position)
However, I am reeling from the revelation that Dead Prez knows how to use a phone.
Prescott did get a mention at Reid's news conference, around 12.30. Apparently he's been liaising (in the nicest sense!) with 'concerned' MPs - including those representing cosntituencies where suspects have been arrested. Reassuring, I call it.
Yes, but aren't you glad Reid's in charge?
You don't get PA newswire do you Iain?
It quotes that Reid and Prezza have been in "constant contact."
If you watched the press conference all the way through you would have also heard Reid say Prezza was in the loop and calling the MPs where arrests had been made.
New on the BBC site
"Mr Reid chaired two of the Cobra meetings while another was led by the top civil servant at the Home Office, Sir David Normington.
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott is in charge of the day-to-day running of the country.
He did not attend the Cobra meetings but his spokeswoman said he would expect to be at further meetings.
Government officials say the home secretary would have chaired the committee even if Mr Blair had not been abroad."
The DPM is amusing hiimself with the 72 virgins no longer required by the would be terrorists.
However, Charles Clarke chaired the COBRA meetings on 7/7:
I have no idea about the protocol(s) regarding chair of COBRA, but I note that Clarke was Home Sec at the time, just as Reid is now.
Reid's doing a decent job. I bet he's loving it.
Btw, with all this talk of keeping the planes flying and not letting the terrorists win, have the consulted flight crews? And what are the crew's union people saying?
One more thing; will the police go back to Forest Gate now to check those fizzy drinks in the fridge?
The current crisis could be classified as an overseas matter, hence it would involve a direct involvement with the PM, holiday or not
Bloodless coup! The ex-commie is in charge now.
2: 30 pm -- BBC News 24 has just said it again: "John Prescott is in Charge."
Do we really want the Count of Houmberside anywhere near anything, that needs the attention of a person with a higher I.Q. than a bag of chips?
Play the game, let's live a little bit longer!
Wherever you are Leslie, do the whole wide world a favour and stay there!
If you read this John I'm joking, if you're not, I mean every f*****g word.
I have it from a good source that he's now rushing to Heathrow to taste check all the mothers' milk...
In these dark and troubling times of global terrorism, war and fanaticism, it's reassuring to know that John is nowhere near the centre of power.
"Where's John Prescott?"
You SERIOUSLY suggesting anyone cares? Even Mrs Prescott?
I'm here and in charge and everyone knows that anyway that cobra is the stuff they get from inside pineapples and anyway I need to be in the bunker and they make wigs or rugs with it so that stuff to respond to that Fayed who goes on about a british peerage and the floods next week will cover the entire middle east crisis and anyway fayed's son was involved in that pyramid selling and wanting tax cuts! the truth is the tories can't stand the fact that the trade unions are in revolt is John in my opinion Jim Reeves is doing a good job at the homing office what with all the red footed crayfish jumping off The Channel Tunnel ships and I firmly believe John that in future the citizens of this country will look back proudly up Tony's earhole and say with total animosity in mind an absotiveley no unanimity wherever "What an absolute and total KUNT that man really was!" because you know John let me assure the voters th....................
No the question is, why are WE still paying him to be DPM.
Also: According to the BBC there are no terrorists and there is no war between us and them. Therefore, how can all this be happening.
I know its a Zionist plot,hatched by two homicidal Christians, and those Jooos again pretending to be Muslims, silly me.
.....and furthermore John these people, these flanges or herbalists or whenever were going to plant plums in planes......
Iain, Puuhhleeaazee don't do ANYTHING which might goad, coax or otherwise risk JP putting his oar in to this situation.
Whenever anyone says, 'Well things couldn't get much worse', JP will find a way to prove them wrong..
As I'm sure you know, COBRA stands simply for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A. Any committee can be assembled to meet there in situations requiring a cross-governmental response. Therefore, it is chaired by whomever is most appropriate to co-ordinate the response.
Apparently, Prezza thought that being in charge of COBRA was something to do Indian lager...
A BIGGER question is was he even told there was a COBRA meeting?
Perhaps they knew he would be over at Rosie's at that time and they wanted him to answer the "Where were you?" question.
I can't imagine a more inappropriate person to chair COBRA. In fact I can't imagine a more inappropriate person. Hope full Reid can keep the idiot out of the loop... I hope his boss is having a nice break in the sun.
Prezza is now used to doing sod all for his fat salary. You can hardly expect him to swing into any sort of meaningful action just because the country finds itself in a state of low level civil war...
Nah, you guys have got it all wrong.
While Reidie, Plod and the secret squirrels were all running around getting breathless and excitable, solid John was emulating his new hero, Sir Francis Drake (Wilberforce didn't do anti-terrorism, I seems to remember).
He calmly finished his game of croquet, quaffed a couple of glasses of Pimms and boffed a secretary or two. Only then did he sail off to sort everything out.
Sadly his attempt at creating a modern English legend of calmness in the face of adversity was dashed by that spoilsport Reid. By time Ponderosa got to Whitehall, all there was left to do was to phone various MP's and tell them that their majorities were likely to be severly dented at the next election on account of some of their voters having been arrested.
A potential moment of greatness passes JP by again - so sad.
Acutally, I decided that "Where was John?" is a rubbish question. You won't make PMQ at this rate Iain.
You should ask the question "Was John asked?"
If people answer my with a "No, John wasn't asked." it tells you that John is not considered DPM by the cabinet, if "Yes, John was asked" then John does not consider himself DPM.
WE are told told that the dashing SIS were aware of these foreign johnnies with the exploding sun tan cream some time ago and had them under surveillance (?) (hopefully somewhat better than Mr Menezes).
Therefore any Cobra committees to dela with this would be days ago.
If indeed this is the case why all the nonsense at Heathrow / Manchester etc., the threat shirley would be over ?
Also, as these Fascist Islamofascist jihadist extremist Mulsim bastards are all Pakistanis (we are told) why don't they just single them out take them outside and shoot them a la Menezes, starting with the suicide bomber babies ? Kratos presumably covers infant terrists ?
as I was saying john these herbwallahs can you hear me through this bunker door the trade unions have a what's it called to build the stadidome on time and i me personally... oh fuck this where did tony leave the red button i am doing the job pauline wheres them chips and as i ........
..but seriously john peter mandelson has done a tremendous job up tony's bus lane which i have explained and sue will she over within the next few that morry had me in the back of the cab once but the country of this people can rust soundly in the fact that there is a steady hand in the till i mean on the tiller john the last tory ..............
fancy brining the country to a stand still, because you lose two test matches
Strapworld - I should get your money on Reid NOW ! He is about 16/1 in the leadership stakes, with Brown at 4/1 on. Saying
Brown is 64 times as likely to be Prime Minister as Reid is looking a bit generous. And Reid might be the only one who could persuade him to stay at No.11 if he lost the leadership race, as a sort of 'Scottish Sidekick'.
sixty-four times nowt is nowt!
John Reid looked really serious tonight on tv. I wonder if he is really that clever!
I actually look serious when I have bugger all to say. I have to listen to what the people who really know say...
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