Can anyone shed any light on a very strange posting by our revered Secretary of State for
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Nilliband is a classic case of "jumped up Oxbridge young politico" trying to find a role in life worthy of his genius. Alas, we must wait so long to find out what this truly shall be. I shed a fresh tear each time I see him consigned to yet another demeaning role for his age as Tony Blair's replacement-in-waiting, one minute it's head of the police or rural affairs, the next he's in charge in Washington and then perhaps to the Vatican to advise the Pope or to China to put all those old red chappies right, to Nepal to tell the Dalai Lama how to think, or to Cambridge to advise Hawking on scientific matters. The man really does have everything - how sad it is that we are likely to be deprived of his talents for another few years whilst so dismally inexperienced and weightless politicians as Gordon Brown, David Cameron and the like fight it out in the public eye. Oh fie! How I long for this great one to be truly in high office!
I wonder if Millibland will publish my comment?
Who is Pete Docherty? The only person I know who has a similar sounding name is the lead singer of Babyshambles.
Surely it's the other way round? If the Civil Service was writing the blog, they would make sure to check their facts and look up the correct spelling of Pete Doherty's name. Whereas if it's just David Miliband on his own, being (nearly) of the GCSE generation, he doesn't care about spelling.
(He writes fully aware that he is six years younger than Miliband and hates bad spelling)
Iain - I love your blog. I link to your blog. But I just cannot understand why you wanna have a go at the young Mr Miliband for having a blog.
Sure - have a go at his content - have a go at his character. But just that he has a blog... c'mon.
Perhaps he means Tommy Docherty?
"Docherty" is how the name is pronounced... David isn't dictating his blog is he?
Ah yes - he can't spell Doherty but you can't spell Miliband (in the headline) either...
Vol Abroad, I think Iain's main complaint, like most of us, is that Miliband's blog cost taxpayers £40k, when 99.9% of people manage to run a blog for free.
It might explain the wierd flickering thing he does with his eyes. I can't watch him being interviewed without feeling seasick.
why do English folks put a "c" in , when saying "Doherty"?
Who is Pete Doherty? Anyway continuing, I'm totally angry with David Milliband and his lacky Ben Bradshaw for forcing 60 incinerators on the UK, under the guise of Energy from Waste (EfW. Thank goodness for Norfolk MP's like Richard Bacon, Dr Ian Gibson, Norman Lamb and Henry Bellingham who faced the Norwich Incinerator proposal down over the summer. Incinerators are slipped into the Energy white paper as a footnote which evaded the radar due to the nuclear issue and Tony Blair playing around with boats and windmills on the day. Its time MP's from all parties brought David Milliband and Ben Bradshaw to book to scap the Incinerator programme in favour of more recycling, MBT, Biogest plants, composting and plasma gasification alternatives. All cheaper and cleaner!
my son in laws father is a retired waste management executive, who swears that all that recycling stuff is just cobblers promoted by the deluded greens -- incinerators are the cheapest way of getting rid of waste, and produce loads of usable energy at the same time.....valid theory or???
Maybe now that he's taken on another dreary dry as dust special adviser in the form of sara schaeffer he needs to show his getting down with the dudes credentials. How come a Government which espouses equal opps appoints special advisers like the Queen does her Lady in waiting?
These people have never run a thing; it's all text book theory. Let's hope Schaeffer can help Miliband spell - his blog has some real howlers.
See post on Guido Fawkes for his latest farcial attempt at e-democracy
Needless to say, the censors at DEFRA have put a stop to all the fun. Have a look at the following link (before it disappears) to see what the censors removed. Use the 'side-by-side' view.
Saved version of Milliband Wiki - with all the good bits still in:
Laurie, EfW is seen by the old school of waste disposal managers as the solution and they see waste as a disposal problem rather than a resource opportunity. Recycling is now being promoted by small and big business as a bottom line efficiency and new markets. Medical experts suggest the hidden environmental and NHS health costs of incinerators actually double the real costs. Food for thought? The term Waste Management should actually be changed to Resource Management.
Jabberwock you twerp, if Defra were censoring comment, don't you think it would've been exorcised from the revision history?
All they've done is roll back to a version before the bored students started to play.
All anyone need to do to see the changes made is amend the number at the end of http://wiki.defra.gov.uk/WikiHome/EnvironmentContract?revision=160 (160 being the current version, and 159 being the last iteration before the weekend).
He may not be able to spell Doherty but he can probably spell his special advisor's name (Sarah Schaefer) correctly which is more than can be said for KenDodd'sDadd'dead.
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