Hitwise have issued their latest monthly blog stats. It's great to see West Ham (in fourth place) beat Arsenal (in sixth!). Seriously, I am not sure why Hitwise amalgamate all the BBC blogs together, or indeed include Comment is Free at all. As Paul Linford has mentioned on Guido's blog, Comment is Free is a blog platform, not a blog. Anyway, glad to still be in the Top Ten!
[football rant] Talking of West Ham you can imagine how gutted I was to hear of Dean Ashton's injury today. I really feel for him. But doesn't it show how pathetic it is to have a friendly international even before thge season has begun? Another idiotic decision by the FA today was to ban Rooney and Scholes for three matches for being sent off in a friendly. Far be it from me to have sympathy for Man U supporters, but I'd be none too pleased if I'd shelled out the best part of £1,000 for a season ticket. [/football rant]
I think Ashton brought it upon himself... Earlier today, he was stating it was his aim to avoid being a one-cap wonder. He succeeded there, alright!
Neil, It is certainly the nearest to where I live, but i was brought up in Essex and have supported WestHam since the age of 10. And I pay £795 for my season ticket at Upton Park. My point, which if you;d read the artivle properly, was that if I were a Man U supporter (perish the thought) i would feel cheated at seeing these two players banned for 3 matches for being senbt off in a friendly.
Iain - what is the gap between you and Guido? Why do you think he tops you? I personally read you daily but Guido only weekly (if that). I don't find the site readable and if there is anything of interest either yourself or conservativehome link to it.
Iain, congrats on being so far up the list.
On to more important things like football, and I'm gutted for Ashton too - he really impressed me last season. As far as Rooney and Scholes go, not only were they friendlies, did you see what Rooney was sent off for? A classic case of 'Armnearyourfacesofalloveritus'. I do wonder if it's becoming fashionable among refs to have the lad in their books.
Incidentally, I'm a Gillingham fan :)
As a Fulham Supporter I think i'ts crazy the bans start after they play us. What's all that about? It's disgraceful.The ban should be immediate.
In any event, what's all this sympathy crap, it's their own stupid fault for getting sent off!
Tory Lad - I think Guido is ahead only on past glories. The wind is out of his sails at the moment and Daley is well set to exploit this moment of weakness by pouncing on to the pole position...
I have just seen a news reporter on News 24 called 'TORY BLAIR'. I am not lyeing here and I can't be the only to find it funny.
It's a real shame about Deano, not least because he was in my Fantasy Football Team...
I'm sure he'll be back in a few months as he is a quality player, but it is a shame for the Hammers too. I'd been really looking forward to seeing him progress this year as I'd heard of him about 4 years ago when he was starting out at Crewe. Destined for great things like many a Crewe Old boy. The next David Platt?
"Far be it from me to have sympathy for Man U supporters, but I'd be none too pleased if I'd shelled out the best part of £1,000 for a season ticket."
Surely the whole point of being a football fan is that you don't have to be rational in the least? The only obligation is to laugh at the opposition's misfortune whilst reserving any indignation for one's own team's misfortune, perceived or otherwise.
It's a bit like party politics in that respect.
I'm annoyed about Dean Ashton because I selected him for my team in your fantasy football league.
I suppose these are the perils of having English players in your team!
That an American hate site and the North site, which has been comprehensively discredited over the lies about Qana he propagated, are in the top 10 should give us all pause.
The extremist hate posters on this and other sites may well start to be believed beyond their small coterie of sycophants. It's up to us to fight back and knock them down wherever and whenever they appear. The battle lines are drawn and blogs are the battlefield.
arseblogger is god among men
Bah! I only came here because the mighty Arseblogger mentioned you. Now I discover you're a poncing Tory from Essex, as well as being a Wet Spammer. I really don't want my visit to be recorded against your worthless right wing rag blog. Can I have a refund please? This has been a combined football and political rant on behalf of (separately, of course) Arsenal and the Labour Party.
yours sincerely
True, Arseblog is awesome.
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