Have you ever listened to
Any Questions or
Question Time and thought, "Jeez, how on earth would I answer that?" This afternoon I downloaded last week's
Any Questions. Among the guests were Professor Peter Hennessy and 'A' Lister and novelist Louise Bagshawe. Peter Hennessy is a great man but went totally over the top in a slightly vicious attack on Conservative motivations. He seemed to say that all Conservatives didn't want others to have the same opportunities that they themselves have. I was slightly shocked by this outburst as he's normally such a thoughtful and eloquent man. Louise Bagshawe was excellent in her response - calm, considered and without malice. In fact her whole performance demonstrated just exactly why she deserves to be on the 'A' List. I've never met Louise but I cannot understand why she has come in for a bit of flack from recidivist snobs who think that a so-called 'chick lit' novelist should stick to the day job. She showed any doubters exactly why she will be an MP after the next election. I have yet to be invited onto Any Questions, but if the call should come (not that I'm hintong, natch) I don't think I could perform better than Louise did. She's someone CCHQ should make a lot of use of in the future.
Postscript: An hilarious moment at the end of the programme when Jonathan Dimbleby announced that Jesse Norman will be on next week's panel. Dimbleby then said: "She's director of policy at Policy Exchange". Shame that Jesse is very much a 'he'!
Totally agree with your assessment of Louise Baghawe's performance on Any Questions. I don't know her at all, but she said all the right things, and appeared completely genuine and thoughtful, unlike a few other A-Listers (not you, Iain!) who sound as if they are regurgitating a standard CCHQ line whenever they appear on the media or at selection interviews. Good for Louise.
I was impressed with Louise too. But I'm glad for the excuse to moan about Jonathon Dimbleby. He ruins the programme with his constant interruptions. He seems determined to demonstrate that it's his show and he's the star. He often jumps in when a speaker makes a big finish and instead of a big clap you get Dimbleby stuttering and farting.
I was amused by a little sketch on the chat show following the news at 9am today. A clever impressionist pretended to be various people recorded by a phone scanner. One of them purported to be David Dimbleby telling his younger brother: "Nick Clarke does it better than you".
Amen to that.
She was brave and brilliant. I'd vote for her - and I'm a fogey, suspicious of imposed candidates. She outshone Hennessy whose true colours as a bitter, unreconstructed Old Lefty showed through clearly.
I didn't see it, but I thought Jessie Norman was a suplime alto black opera singer? (A she.)
Verity: sorry dear she's a soprano.
Apologies, to Jessie Norman. Alto or soprano, Jessie Norman is a world famous opera singer, as I pointed out.
Slagella, as we don't know each other, and never will, I assure you, do forego the endearments.
I think it is the fact that Louise has no political qulaifications whatsoever and has never expressed in any interest in Tory politics before "Cool Dave" took over. That combined with her several statements of support for Blair and her (de-facto) admission that she has actually VOTED for the cretin Blair. It is any little thing with some Tory activitists...
Could it be that Louise was calm, considered and without malice because she is an A lister? Whereas Prof Peter Hennessey is able to tell the truth as he sees it?
Crumbs, this old dog also thought (s)he was an Opera singer, Bebopper is absolutely right about Dimblebore. I listen to 'Any Questions' (known in my family as "Bigot's Half-Hour") to hear the panellists, not Jonathan Dimbleby. Your assessment pretty much spot on, especially concerning the Marxist academic and Miss Bagshawe's measured response.
Thought her remark that "if my mother hadnt gone to grammar school and married someone posh I wouldnt have been sat here" slightly patronising.
As for her hackneyed "A Levels are getting easier" rant ...
I was at Oxford at the same time as Bagshawe and she was a loud-mouthed moron. It sounds like she has mellowed.
Is she married?
Was I listening to the same episode as you? Bagshawe was a vacuum, a speak-your-policy machine.
I didn't hear the particular programme, but disagree generally with your point about Jonathan Dimbleby. The criticism about the emphasis on it being 'his' show is better directed at his brother David on 'Question Time' and its facile 'audience interaction box ticking' nonsense.
She's not exactly got a face for radio, has she?
I think Margot thingy (Leadbitter?) was the best Tory bird they've had on.
Verity, your comments sometimes annoy me, they usually amuse me, but I can never ignore them. Start that blog now !
Theo Spark: Louise's married name is Louise LoCicero. Husband is called Anthony and she has a son and daughter. I only found this out after I saw her photo on this site and fell instantly in love.
Google can be a cruel thing. All of my hopes dashed. Ah well.
Louise Bagshawe was excellent -- she told the truth about A levels, without sounding Hefferish
Totally agree with bebopper about Jonathan Dimbleby
Theo, above, fyi:
Louise's married name is Louise LoCicero. She lives with her husband Anthony and her young son and daughter in East Sussex.
Ah yes negative comments and appraisal of her performance aside, she's a total babe. Unfortunately married though. She would go a long way to brighten up politics and would get my vote any day
Jim, do chimps eat lamb-burgers these days? You've changed.
Cecil Parkinson's love-child said...
I think Margot thingy (Leadbitter?) was the best Tory bird they've had on.
Of the Surbiton Ladies Conservative Association?
Iain, could you make that airbrushed image just a bit bigger please? I can't quite see it...
She's certainly easier on the eye than some tory MPs - wasted on radio of course.
Paul Linford said...
She's not exactly got a face for radio, has she?
Paul - You're not exactly wrong!
If she fails as an "A lister" we'll take her here on South Tyneside Council, at least that way i'd be tempted to attend more meetings!
She didn't by any chance play Bobby Ewing's wife in "Dallas" did she? And wasn't her real ex-husband a pop singer or something.
You're the expert on such matters Iain, please clarify.
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