Thank you to everyone who has a link to me on your blogroll. If I haven't added a link to your blog yet, please let me know and I will do so. If you'd like to use the above image to put in your links section you just need to add a little bit of HTML code into your template.

Or if you fancy a slightly different design...

Or if you fancy a much smaller one...

Or if you're daring...
What this will achieve for your blog is a higher ranking in my monthly referral rankings and therefore more visitors to your own site. And then we're all happy!
And thanks to
Theo Spark for square images and idea. And to
Blue Torch Solutions who gave me the first image and the last one.
Hello... I've linked to you for some time, and if you're offering to return the favour, I won't complain!
done! :)
From Italy i'm looking with great attention to english conservative blogosphere.
here the media coverage on "Cameron's revolution" is zero!
I earn a lot of useful information by you,thanks so much!
God save the queen! :)
Time for a Marxist sentiment, I think.... I don't want to belong to any blog that would have me as a reader.
Hey, I'm the Marxist here (although well done there!) and I don't want my blogroll to be co-opted by Tories. There are a snotload there, and the only lefty is Jesus' General.
I am also, however, a famewhore. You had me at "increase hits."
The Gorse Fox has had a link to your site for a while.
So, where's my payback? I'm not seeing a section for Canadians here...*taps foot*
I have added a link to your grotty litle Tory site under a new section that you have inspired me to create: "Websites I Hate!
Long live Tony, Gordon and the State of Israel!
Added the banner!
Hello Iain, how fabulously self promoting of you. Count me in as well please.
Will do yours just as soon as I've finished the washing up, and reprimanded the dogs for eating my lunch.
'Live from the socialist fortress'
I've added it too. I will delete/remove it if I don't read more John Prescott jokes/poetry ;-)
Thanks for the add. I promise to stop whining now. I'm not Australian, but I do love Steve Irwin; does that make me an honourary one?
I have added the small icon to my blog. I'd love to have a link back.
Many thanks!
Dear Ian,
Do come and visit me at Frog End. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Kind regards
Iain, you're on my blogroll: hope you find mine worth listing on yours.
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