Mark Clarke is standing for chairman of CF, alongside Andrew Young (creator of ConservativeFutureTV) and Caroline Hunt. My vote would go to Mark, although at the age of 44, you won't be surprised to hear I don't have one! I don't know him well but from what I have seen he has the ability to take CF onto the next stage in building it up as a formidable youth organisation. It's already bigger than the Labour & LibDem youth sections added together so whoever is elected they have a good base on which to build.
Sam Coates has started a new Blog on Conservative Home entirely devoted to CF HERE.
Mark is a very strong candidate, but llike you I don' have a vote.
Mr Cleverley very adeptly and cleverly is canvassing your vote in support of one candidate.Dont be influenced members.Remember we do not have lists black white or gender.We are meritocratic.
I have a vote - had have voted - and both of those candidates made my choices!
A word of warning. I have so far ha to disallow 4 comments on this thread, all made anonymously, slagging off one or other of the candidates in this election. Bloody well grow up.
Am I the only person in the blogosphere who's voting for Caroline Hunt?
I have to appologise to Karren who I didn't mention in my first comment.
She worked with me inLewisham during the general election and she is well deserving of your vote.
"our future not yours" what the hell are you on about?
Hang on, whilst Mr Cleverly is following this blog, perhaps he could answer a question. I haven't seen an answer to it elsewhere, but it goes: "Why did you pull out of the race to get the nomination for the official Tory London mayoral candidate ?"
Good question Stephen t.
The answer is that Cleverley knew he wouldnt win!
Im on about you Mr Cleverley keeping your neb out of Future politics.
Caroline and Andrew are also great Candidates and deserve equal
advertising time on this NUMBER 1 BLOG, and do not deserve interference from you or any other disfranchised people.
In response to Stephen t question I think he felt he didnt have a chance of being chosen or eventually elected.
It is great to get this blog going though,anybody out there with anything to say.
Is Cleverly going to answer the simple question asked by Stephen yes or no.
Hi everyone,
I think it is worth responding to a few questions and observations made on this post but before I do I would remind you that the original post was not about me but the CF election.
Stephen T, I pulled out of the Mayoral race because I had made a number of commitments to my employer based around the original timescale set out by CCHQ. The amended timescale made those arrangements obsolete and as I did not have and did not want a “big money” backer it made it impossible for me to continue. Had I won the nomination I would have been in a much better position to negotiate with my company but there is a world of difference between campaigning for a nomination and campaigning for the position of Mayor itself.
This was all covered on my campaign website, my blog, Conservative Home and my local papers.
“Our Future Not Yours”, I have only commented on Karen and Mark because they are the only two candidates that I know and I know them both fairly well. I have no doubt that everyone on the list is a good Conservative but I can only speak about the people I know.
I take an interest in Conservative politics at every level and I would have thought that a comment advising me to keep out of future (CF) politics completely misses the point. We are all part of one party and driving wedges between the various elements of it is completely counterproductive.
Hey 'Our Future'. Calm down mate - you'll have a heart attack! As for slagging people off anonymously - Iain is right, grow up and act like adults if you want to get taken seriously.
Having just sent a close to this story I need to correct Adrian I am not your Mate.We are a Threesome of girls.
Love and kisses to you all Goodnight XXX.
Ooops! I just assumed from your use of the 'I' rather than the 'we', that you were a singular entity rather than a plural entity.
Anyway, calm down none the less! All this stress is not good for the blood pressure! And at my age, it could kill me!
Good luck on getting London North West, Andy. Your policy/presentation/experience/management skills/ (man) tits have never failed to impress me.
I think that's a different Andy, Karen!
It does frustrate me to see that Iain has to remove bitchy comments from this thread about the CF election - it says an awful lot about CF, sadly.
Best of luck in the election.
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