The new Built to Last document is a great improvement on the first version. It's still a statement of aims and values but more detailed. Apart from the fact that it only talks about flatter and simpler taxes, conveniently omitting the word 'lower', I think it's excellent. It is something that virtually every Conservative should be able to sign up to. It should also give the lie to those who claim the Conservatives are policy-lite. Of course the Party shouldn't have detailed policies in every single area at this point in the electoral cycle, but this document helps cement the foundations of a proper policy forming process.
I think the key part of the Built to Last document is the phrase the 'Responsibility Revolution'. I can't say it's the snappiest slogan I have ever heard, but it has the virtue of meaning something.
I am clear about the new direction we must set for Britain. To meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, and to satisfy people’s aspirations today, this country needs a responsibility revolution. A revolution in personal responsibility – giving every individual the
skills, the resources, and the confidence to take control of their life. A revolution in professional responsibility – giving all those who work in our public services the freedom to fulfil their vocation. A revolution in civic responsibility – giving our neighbourhoods and communities the power to shape their destinies, fight crime and improve the quality of life. A revolution in corporate responsibility – giving business the encouragement and the incentive to help enhance our environment and improve well-being. That is the mission of the modern Conservative Party: a responsibility revolution to create an opportunity society – a society in which everybody is a somebody, a doer not a done-for.
You can download the full Built to Last document HERE.
Did someone just run a search-and-replace over the old Common Sense Revolution documents?
I must say I am quite impressed with this mini-manifesto. I suppose it's because I'm just a sucker for talk of freedom and localism.
Corporate Responsibility?! I can't wait to read that one.
One policy idea which appears consistent with this statement is the idea of capitalising an element of pensions (this policy has recently been introduced in Slovakia). These ringfenced amounts could be drawn by the government for items such as unpaid fines, council tax and penalties for things like missed doctor appointments. It's about time people who were in the system were rewarded. Under Labour you are whacked.
I watched all of Channel 4 news tonight and I'm afraid I didn't see you at all, Mr. Dale.
The camera lingered instead on a few hotties at CCHQ.
So, every cloud...
It appears they didn't use my glorious interviewette! Didn't think I was that boring! Ms Newman will be put over my knee and firmly spanked.
That is a sexist and inappropriate remark, not befitting an illustrious member of the A Club or as we must say these days "A" Kommunity.
It is also an indication that you are of a disposition to beat the fairer sex, that is the greatest sin possible (except of course uttering a Muslim joke!).
There is a third dimension you obviously appear to believe that you can manipulate the press. You cannot.
Please take a little advice. Never do a recording. Always do live interviews! If you cannot, dont.
Now, where is that strap?
Good thing he had Inigo's Leftyspeak to hand..
I fear imminent suspension by my employer...
This document suggests an immenent reshuffle. Topic for another thread maybe, but who's staying and who's going? For my tuppence worth, Hague gets treasury, maybe in a straight swap with the boy George.
Meaningless twaddle. All it does is give the chattering classes something to twitter about while DC sits tight, tries to stay out of trouble and hopes the government continues making itself unpopular. It's all so tedious it makes you weep.
I am a member of the Tory party and voted for Cameron and full support all he is doing and the content of the mini-manifesto as a positioning exercise. My concern is that whilst Dave is moving the tories to the left (or centre) and electorate as a whole is moving to the right (see latest Spectator poll) as a response to the liberal-left NuLab. I am starting to have some sympathy with Peter Hitchens - we need an alternative in low/flat taxes, strengthened freedoms, strong and effective criminal justice system and policing, cut in pointless bureacracy, radically smaller government etc. Now that would make a manifesto.
I like Prezza's response: "Another triumph of style over substance." I think he's fallen into a trap there. In the spirit of Private Eye's 'Out of Con-text' might I suggest CCHQ puts an endorsement on the front cover - "Another triumph" - John Prescott.
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