It was reported in the newspapers ysterday that John Prescott had flown to Finland on Friday on urgent diplomatic business, the nature of which no one seemed to know. Indeed, Europe Minister Geoff Hoon was incensed to find out about the trip as Prescott's office had failed to inform them. Still, that's the sort of thing that can happen when you're without a diary secretary. But I can exclusively reveal that Prescott had flown to Finland to join up with Eurovision rockers Lordi (now to be renamed Lardi) and collect his mask for last night's winning performance. The resemblance is uncanny...
I can see those clever makeover people have been at him. He seems, younger, more confident and I swear he's lost a little weight! I reckon it's taken 10 years off him. Well done Prezza!
Yes, I can see the resemblance, it's uncanny. How many people are lucky enough to have a second chance with such a high profile, glittering career?
Though I think Prezza would make a great roadie, and Lordie can travel in style in their pick of Jags.
It would seem that Prescott has just become the Minister...for Hell.
Two Jags drawn by stallions of death?
Nuclear Power is my guess. Prescott will be used to get the trade union / skilled manual worker support on side. (The Finns have a new reactor with on site hole in the ground to bung the glowing stuff into.) And remeber in the event of Blair being out of action Prescott has one of the Worlds largest nuclear arsnels at his command - we could all end up looking like Lordi !
: )
He's not gone to Finland - he's been to a Deputy PM training weekend in the Czech Republic - the BBC video of the event here or link to article here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/5001414.stm.
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