As a German soldier might have said to a captured John Prescott in 1943, "For you, Herr Prescott, ze war is over." Rarely have I seen a set of Sunday papers so unanimous in their view that Prescott is finished. Finito. Finis. Beendet. Vorbei. Full scale speculation is underway about hte identity of his most likely successor as Labour Party Deputy leader. Labour MPs are already lining up behind the various candidates. It almost makes you feel sorry for the old brute. Almost. Until you remember what a disaster he has been in every job he has had. Until you remember that he is a serial groper. Until you remember what an embarrassment the man has become. But there is one issue which I find odd about today's papers. The
Mail on Sunday have a big front page story picturing working class hero Johnny P playing croquet (I know, I know) at Dorneywood at 4.15 on Thursday afternoon, while he was supposed to be running the country in the Dear Leader's absence. The story says that Pauline Prescott was inside the mansion and goes on to say that she loves the place and couldn't bear to be parted from it. Indeed, a separate story in the
Mail on Sunday alleges that Prescott begged Tony Blair to let him keep Dorneywood for fear of Pauline using it as an excuse to end their marriage if she had to give it up. Yet the
Sunday Express says she hates the place and after hearing of her husbands antics with Tracey Temple at Dorneywood she has vowed never to set foot in the place again. Well they can't both be right!
Hat-tip for graphic to Anonyeuouse
In the original article in the Mail on Sunday a couple of weeks ago, when they published Tracey Temple's diary, they said that Pauline would never set foot in Dorneywood again as Prescott and Temple had had it off there. Maybe the papers just make it up as they go along?
It should be painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain that getting rid of Prescott would fatally wound an as yet seemingly unwoundable 'Teflon' Tony Blair. Without Prescott to mediate the Brownites could ensure that relations deteriorate beyond repair, thus hastening 'the date'. The Blair exit plan probably factored in either Prescott standing down later (next election) or alongside Blair, not before.
A Deputy Leadership contest would be interesting (but divisive) given the media interest and the fact that members and party staff haven't had to work in that kind of environment for over a decade.
The steaming heap that is Prescott nauseates majority in the PLP for different reasons ie political liability and/or sense of genuine outrage at his mc behaviour. The fact remains he is Blair's survival bacteria - a neccessary evil. Mrs Blair hates everything he is and stands for. Yet Prescott can remove the keys of No 10 and she knows. How this dependency must gnaw at her innards.
I truly wish they all would spend 90% of their time mucking about in the garden rather than coming up with grand schemes to fuck up all our lives.
Happy birthday Prezza. I believe that your party policy of retirement at 68 is starting at the top. You can enjoy spend more time indulging your passions on your generous pension.
John prescott would have to commit murder before the membership turned on him.
personally, I would have to see him standing over a dead body with a knife or gun in his hand before accepting guilt.
Saying that, I would sue my optician first.
Hope this gives a true reflection of the debt of honour the Labour membership owes to John for services rendered.
(govt minister)
Gary - like your attitude. I was coming from a morale/competence based approach. It's been great that he's hung on long enough to create a(nother) schism in the PLP. It would be great if he could stay in place to further divide the party and unite the country.
On a serious note, your lot are running a country not a parish council. If he owes your membership a debt pay him out of your coffers. He's well overdrawn has far as the country is concerned.
"it is a game of intelligence & skill & will therefore not appeal to the lower income groups"
Chairman of the Croquet Association c 1971
The latest press coverage & a lot of the earlier coverage of Prescott shows what a ridiculously class obsessed society we still are.
Hope this gives a true reflection of the debt of honour the Labour membership owes to John for services rendered.
Recently I think he has rendered more services to us Conservatives.
Surely the Mail can't be making it up? Only last week they paid £100k damages to Elton John for a work of complete lies.
There's a possibility that it could be a way in for Alan Johnson to run up the ladder for a challenge to Brown but if you think that John is somehow a liability to the current position within the Labour sphere, then you have learned nothing of why you are destined to be on the subs bench for the remainder of the Century.
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