This afternoon Eric Forth was buried. Unfortunately events conspired to prevent me from going. Carroll asked all male guests not to wear a black tie but to wear the most garish tie they owned. I was half expecting David Davis to ring me to ask to borrow one of my more lurid ties, of which I have many. So here's one of the ties I would have worn. Eric would have liked them. Even if you wouldn't!
Iain, wouldn't a Duchamp tie have been a bit sober for Eric?!
I love them. Where do you get them? I need a few more colourful ties to brighten up a sometimes very dull Welsh Assembly.
Peter, they're made by Duchamp www.duchamp.co.uk You can order directly from them but they are stocked by some of the major department stores - House of Fraser for example. They're usually about £65 each, so I have to ration myself!
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