I don’t know what the LibDems are drinking at the moment but it does seem to be getting them into trouble. Take LibDem Councillor Isabelle Campbell, for example. She’s up before the Dingwall Sheriff Court in the Scottish Highlands on Thursday accused not only of drink driving but also of "having wilfully vomited, urinated and defecated" in a vain attempt to purge her body of alcohol, to try to avoid being charged. She was also charged with conducting herself in a disorderly manner and breaching the peace in a police car. You might think that as a member of the local Police authority, she might have known better. But the brazen Mrs Campbell is nothing if not a fighter. She has had to resign from the Police Authority but she insists she will stand for re-election in May. "I’ve done nothing wrong," she protests. Perhaps a little too much.
Iain, you seem unaware of the Contempt of Court Act. For your sake I suggest you don't post this sort of thing until there has actually been a conviction.
This has already appeared in The Scotsman.
Surely everyone in this country has "wilfully defecated and urinated" at some point in their lives?!
Iain Dale, have you missed this article linked yesterday by Marcia on pb.com?
The story in factual terms may have appeared all over the place. It is the implication of your story that is the issue.
This isn't a political complaint, just a word of advice!
anonymous, I must admit that one had passed me by.
anonymous 2 - grtafeul for the advice. I'm tempted to ask what you think my implication was, but that might tempt us both into dangerous territory! I have read it again and I'm not sure I can see what you're getting at. Perhaps you could email me. iain AT iaindale DOT com. If it got past the Independent on Sunday's lawyers, I ought to be happy, but I certainly don't want to get into trouble with M'Learned Friend!
The Independent piece was a good read Iain.
Its always fun to laugh at the oppositions expense and i know many Lib Dem blogs are just as bad if not worse so I'm not being holier than thou. However untill/unless the woman is convicted I think a degree of caution is needed. Shes probabley just a decent soul who has made an awaful awful mistake and will in all probability pay highly for it.
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