Why is it that I have that tingling sense of excitement? I have just watched Nick Robinson on News at Ten repeat
Guido's scoop about the major announcement tomorrow by David Cameron that he is publishing a new set of principles and values, which the Party will vote on. Robinson repeated some of the more controversial parts of it, which will cause some people on the right to chunter at the very least. But that, for the Cameroons, might be a good thing. It was interesting to see the cameras being invited into the Cameron kitchen to film him and senior colleagues discussing the final draft. Theresa May and Oliver Letwin were there and the cameras focussed on David Davis nodding rather a lot. I'm going to hear Cameron's speech tomorrow night so I'll post something when I get back from it. There's more on the story
Iain, Iain, I'm sure the man will give you a winnable seat. There really is no need to keep sticking your tongue so far up the Cameron rectum. It really isn't pleasant for the rest of us to witness this spectacle of grovelling. I'm sure he's forgotten all about your DD days... nearly as well as you have.
LOL. Funny thing is, I don't want to be 'given' a winnable seat. Now you may have noticed DD in the picture drafting the document. If he's happy so am I. As it ever was! By the way, do you regret the passing of Clause 4?
Surely the election of Cameron represented the idea that the Conservative Party needed to change and wants to change? This seems little more than a referendum on Cameron's leadership only 3 months in. Winning this won't stop the right wing having pot-shots at the leadership so why bother?
Ted, an interesting question, but I think the answer lies in reenforcing his position as an agent of change. It got top billing on the news at ten and newsnight. Mission accomplished. But it will be interesting to see the meat of it.
Iain, I didn't really spot the PR advantage here. I guess there is the domination of the news cycle today and tomorrow, and another lot when the vote concludes. Of course that then gets into the area of is this yet another gimmick, dis-owning Mrs T, or a meaningful change...
Yes, I very much regret it. I think it was the moment the Party caved in to Blair. I have a loyalty to my Party, but not a blind loyalty. Cameron is dragging the Tories along in an imitation of Blair. Whatever happened to those days when parties made policies and the Leadership listened. Now the Leaders make policies and the sheep just troop along behind. I suppose I'm just old fashioned.
...and hat a mission statement it is! I was upset by the lack of reference to either motherhood or apple pie though... can this be rectified?
by 'hat', I of course meant 'what'.
It is the same old cliche ridden stuff that Cameron has been spouting for months. Clause 4 moment? Don't make me laugh.
We don't need a clause 4 moment! At the last election the vast majority of people supported conservative policies until they were informed they were, errr, Conservative policies!
The difference between this situation and Clause 4 was that absolutley no-one supported the prionciple of state ownership! The lunatics like Bob Piper represent such an insignificant number in this country.
All Cameron is doing is making the Party more acceptable as a brand. He is doing a very good job at it too!
Sadly I didn't bring the paper home with me, but the Standard "Londoner's Diary" (I know, I know) has a titbit quoting a Mr Cameron speech from a year back, to the effect that (and I accept I'm paraphrasing but, I think, only just) the Conservative Party has no need for publicly junking a clause four 'or clause three, or clause two, or clause one' or otherwise asking members to sign up to some symbolic statement or philosophy...
Sorry, this is very slapdash, but I can't immediately find any similar reference on the interbobble, and just wondering whether it rang any bells/buttered any parsnips/etcetc...?
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