If you live in the Surrey Heath area and would like to come and hear me speak at the local association's Curzon Supper Club this Thursday 28 January, phone 01276 471068. More details HERE. I can't belieeeeeve they're only charging £15!
UPDATE: Only a few tickets left, they tell me!
You are clearly not charging enough!!!
A full "moon" would be £ 30 - that's why !
Alan Douglas
David, I do not charge Conservative Associations for speaking. Or even expenses!
Sadly I'll not be able to get to the Blasted Heath. Any chance of a rough idea of your speaking itinerary? You know, sort of 'Iain Dale on Tour' stuff? Avoid Glasgow at all costs....
"David, I do not charge Conservative Associations for speaking. Or even expenses!"
You don't charge expenses? I thought you wanted to be an MP!
Just saw you on Sky...whats with the tie?
GDP ahead of Germany and France tomorrow - what odds Gordon goes to the palace...game on?
I see your ugly face and hear your sanctimonious musings enough as it is on the (licence payer-funded) BBC.
I'll be there with the better half.
Are you having the Curry or the Steak and Ale pie?
£15? it's a bargain! i'm there - looking forward to meeting you - can we have a 'bash GB' evening please?
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