I hope those of you who are attending this year's Conservative Conference will come along to a little party I am throwing on the Wednesday evening. I've lined up a couple of special guests, who I will tell you about nearer the time.
I have now created a Facebook Group for the event. Please do sign up if you intend coming. Click HERE.
Great stuff. Will definitely be there.
Is the Tory conference in Manchester then?
Iain....will there be as many anonymous people at the Party as their are on your blog.
Hello, what's your name. I am anonymous. So am I. That's funny 'so am I'!!!!
Wouldn't miss it - are the special guests Y A-B and Gio? :)
Will definately be coming, its my first party conference as I am only 17. I hope I will be made welcome.
What time does Party for Change start ?
If Iain Dale is there, I will be there.
Are u coming to Lib Dem conference in Bournemouth again this year?
Humpty Dumpty, you may be more accurate than you realise :)
Grant, I think 10pm.
Sounds brilliant Iain.
I really hope to be there.
Love to. See you there.
Unfortunately I cannot afford to go galavanting in Manchester at the moment or I would be there. Tell DC, Eric Pickles or whoever decides these things to bring next years conference to Cardiff!
Is it fancy dress?
Can we have a mariachi band?
I'll be there!
Is there a bar? Yup, should be there unless I get swept off my feet by some totty (err..., pretty long odds on that - don't think i'd bet on it).
I may well turn up myself. Is there a limit of attendees? Do we have to book?
I'll be there with Sally!
You sure you want us there? A live meeting isn't like a blog - you won't be able to censor the comments you dislike and you won't be able to deride or threaten the people you disagree with.
Someone said: "you won't be able to censor the comments you dislike and you won't be able to deride or threaten the people you disagree with."
No, but he would have the option of a "Gerard". What's your uppercut like Iain?
Will plan to attend. Look forward to more details.
It's Michal Kaminski isn't it?
Hope so, I'd love to meet him!
No, but he would have the option of a "Gerard".
So, you're saying that if you disagree with someone's politics, you should physically assault them.
Is this the face of the modern Conservative Party?
"So, you're saying that if you disagree with someone's politics, you should physically assault them."
No. I'm saying you should go on a course so you can spot things like humour, sarcasm and irony.
Thats my birthday and I'm on a promise from the wife. Sorry Iain
Offering odds of 100/1 that one of the "special guests" isn't David Davies.
Indeed it isn't!
Those Google ads do rather give the show away:
>>>Sexy Armenian Ladies
I gave my membership up a while ago for various reasons, I hear the tickets are a terrible price.
How much is it now, £250?
oh, we know who the 'special guests' are !
Manchester is close. I would like to come. It depends on how busy work is.
I'm still unclear if it is an open invitation, limited to party members only, inside or outside the "zone"....do you need a party pass?
Does anyone know?
You do not need a pass.
Iain said: "You do not need a pass"
So, anyone can turn up - not just party members? In that case Mr Dale, I'll turn up and buy you a pint.
Appreciate the thought, but I am tee total!
And Nightjack, I'd love you to come.
Hell, I'll go if Nightjack's going!
I want to know how many Tory activists and supporters view the conference as a way of getting laid. Not that I'm interested in that sort of thing, of course.
I'm far keener for various disgraced Tory MPs to visit the conference so that they can have a date with my scythe...
I might visit.
I am actually a member of the Cons Pty for the first time in years.... I know - shocking but true.
Congratulations. Shortlisted for Bracknell, which means if you are successful you will become an MP, no question. Can't wait.
Why must the Tory party conference be in some northern armpit like Manchester?
Iain, don't you think you have over-egged it again? I mean, how will they react when they realise that Guido and Derek Draper are your special guests? Hee! Hee! Hee!
Hang on, you have remembered to tell Guido and Derek that Derek and Guido are your special guests?
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