Being on the right does not just mean support for the Conservative Party, so the list contains figures from UKIP, right of centre pressure groups, businessmen, bloggers and the odd celebrity. The term "right" encompasses both the libertarian and authoritarian traditions. You can be socially liberal as well as socially conservative and still be classed as on the "right".
It is a big tent and we have attempted to find the one hundred people who most deserve to live in it. We have deliberately left out newspaper editors, proprietors and journalists. As with our list of the Top 100 Lefties, everyone will disagree with this list and everyone will have questions. Where is Jackie Collins? Where is Nick Griffin? Why so few ex-Thatcher Ministers? Why so few industrialists and city brokers? Everyone will have their own answers and their own lists, so let us know. This is our list, now shows us yours. Here's numbers 100-76...
76 Baroness Shephard of Northwold, Chairman, Association of Conservative Peers
77 Timothy Kirkhope MEP, Leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament
78 Jeremy Hunt, Shadow Secretary of State for Culture
79 Douglas Murray, Director, Centre for Social Cohesion
80 Theresa May MP, Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
81 Andrew Feldman, Deputy Treasurer of the Conservative Party
82 John Blundell, Director, Institute of Economic Affairs
83 Margot James, Businesswoman
84 Annabel Goldie, Leader, Scottish Conservatives
85 Guido Fawkes, Blogger
86 Lord Pearson of Rannoch, UKIP Peer
87 Sayeeda Warsi, Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion
88 Andrew Roberts, Historian
89 James O'Shaunnessy, Director of Policy & Research, Conservative Party
90 Margaret Eaton, Chairman, Conservative Councillors's Association
91 Richard North & Helen Szamuely, EU Referendum
92 Edward Lister, Leader, Wandsworth Council
93 Edward Leigh, Cornerstone
94 Stephen Greenhalgh, Leader, Hammersmith & Fulham Council
95 Desmond Swayne MP, PPS to David Cameron
96 Mike Whitby, Leader, Birmingham City Council
97 Professor Tim Congdon, Managing Director, Lombard Street Research
98 Christine Constable, English Democrats
99 Peter Bazalgette, Entrepreneur
100 Zak Goldsmith, Conservative Candidate for Richmond
sayeeda warsi?
Blogged it here. Are you in fact a journalist and excluded or not Iain?
Where is your name. What is so special about Guido?
Why is Zac Goldsmith so high at No 100?
Text of email to the sunday Telegraph
Dear Sir,
My attention has been brought to the above article in which it is claimed that Mrs Christine Constable is the driving force behind the campaign for an English parliament. We believe this is substantially misleading because Mrs Constable is not a member of The Campaign for an English Parliament, which was founded and incorporated in 1998. It is a not-for-profit organisation and a company limited by guarantee. It is a single issue lobbying organisation and one of its fundamental policies is not to be linked with any political party. We have members from all major British political parties and because we are non-aligned and independent we are able to meet and discuss with MPs the issues arising from asymmetrical devolution. Since Mrs Constable is Vice Chairman of the English Democrats Party, we consider it to be damaging to be linked with a political party in the manner implied by the article and would be most grateful if you could print a correction prominently displayed.
Yours sincerely,
Priscilla Cullen
Chairman of the Campaign for an English Parliament
>Where is Jackie Collins?
Who is Jackie Collins?
christine constable?!! is she not that lunatic that said the scots were currently guilty of genocide against the english?! i cant help but feel shes in here cos she is iain dales pal who makes inane, greivance-filled, chippy programmes on doughty street. which is otherwise rather a good little station. rather than being the 98th most influential right winger how about putting her in the "jumped up housewives with a chip on their shoulder" category. somewhat more appropriate.
As for the ludicrously pompous letter from the wifey from the campaign for an english parliament "mrs constable is not a member of the campaign for an english parliament" its got a monty python feel to it - the Peoples Front for an Engish Parliament/English Parliamentary Peoples Front. I mean for god sake priscilla dont take yourselves so seriously "we consider it to be damaging".
Observer from across the pond
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