Bill Bryson once remarked that
Indeed at a time when the British armed forces find themselves under-funded and under-supplied, the Aussies have expanded their defence spending into a unique area.
[Note: avoiding puns in this post was incredibly difficult and required a great deal of restraint. On a more serious note though, it's good to know our allies are well equipped...]
I am sure I have read reports of our MOD paying for breast implants for UK servicewomen. In the interests of equality surely they should also pay for penis enlargement surgery for males in the forces. Who paid for Mike jacksons facial surgery?
All shipshape and Bristol fashion?
I'll get me coat...
Can only be good for morale.
Top ten reasons to join the Australian navy?
Top twenty Tasmanian blogs?
Come on, you know yo want to...
Shane do try and keep up!!
Unbelievable. No employer should pay for cosmetic surgery unless it's needed to correct a gross deformity or an injury.
Women shouldn't be allowed into the armed forces because it increases costs, creates distraction (pregnancy, sexual harassment, adultery, etc.), and is not a significant source of recruitment. It offends our pc-conditioned sensibilities to hear this, but it's indisputable.
This is such a complete non-story.
Only two women benefited, for heaven's sake. If those two had benefited in different years, then it would only have been one each year.
And one swallow does not a summer make. Typical anti-public sector tosh from a paper that should know better.
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