Now that I'm back and refreshed from my break I wanted to take the opportunity to thank Shane Greer for stepping into the breach in my absence (believe me it wasn't easy to hand over the reins to someone else!). He certainly seems to have wound a few of you up, so job well done! I have to say a couple of his posts caused a certain sucking of teeth on Lake Como, but blogging is supposed to be slightly controversial. His posts were always interesting and well thought through, which is perhaps why those critical of him in the comments could only attack his age rather than the substance of his arguments.
I'm delighted to let you know that he's enjoyed his two weeks of blogging so much that he's decided to start his own blog at
ShaneGreer.com , which is live from today. Given his performance on mine I'm sure his own will be a huge success. Anyone interested in politics and particularly those of a Conservative persuasion would be well advised to keep a close eye on Mr Greer; a rising star if ever there was one.
Now that I have cleaned the vomit off my keyboard, I'll get back to trying to provide you with the very best in political commentary and gossip on the internet.
"I have to say a couple of his posts caused a certain sucking of teeth on Lack Como, but blogging is supposed to be slightly controversial."
LOL. I think that I can guess which couple of articles might have caused you to forcible sit on your hands and avoid commenting. Well done and I hope you enjoyed your holiday. I must admit I thought that there was more chance of you being unable to stay away from your blog that long than there was of Brown calling an Autumn election!
So when is David Davis and John Redwood gonna get rid of Cameron? Gossip like that perhaps.
A welcome return. You missed all the fun (possibly).
But much too much by way of double entendre in this latest post, Iain.
Thank god for that I don`t care how clever he is .He wasn`t born when the sex pistols came out , how can he really, really, understand anything.
I thought he did a good job and that maybe there'd be room for Shane to keep posting now and again on this blog now you've returned?
Thank god youre back, the past two weeks have been ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming ming etc etc etc
I wonder if he'll post on it any more often than he did on his splendidly named "Tory in the Wilderness" blog. Do you think that CCHQ should arrange to have Tories in the Wilderness (or perhaps Wonderland) instead of David Cameron's Conservatives on future ballot papers?
Shane did well and too criticisms in his stride with a stout heart. Your regulars are cock-a-hoop to see you back, though.
You never told us whether you took Gio to Italy with you. Was he travelling incognito, as a cat?
" the substance of his arguments" !!- you're still suffering from jet lag I see.
Not sure if this is the best time in politics for a Conservative blogger to enter the fray, but good luck to him!!!
Shane Greer was a bit too, well, ginger beer for my liking.
Welcome back oh studly one.
Shane was great Iain but it's good to have you back.
... and the fruit of your loins ventures forth into the big bad world on his own ;>D
His Eminence - Jet lag? From Italy
Didn't Clarkson get into a lot of trouble for describing a car as a bit ginger beer?
Shane did very well and also performed very confidently on !8DS
Great to see you back, Iain, but have you (or anyone else) got any idea what's happened to Paul Linford's blog, which seems to have been dormant for weeks?
Stepping into your what? Above and beyond!
Shane didn't do a bad job at all! Btw- he's a nice bit of totty too;)
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