But it was worth it. The dinner at which I was speaking was held in the Burnt Gate pub, just outside Burton and I have to say the food was far better than the average Tory Party dinner grub. No rubber chicken at the Burnt Gate! And they were a very receptive audience, and totally dedicated to the task ahead of them. The local Labour MP, Janet Dean, is standing down and has been replaced by someone who regular readers may remember. Click HERE, and prepare to be horrified...
Andrew showed me a leaflet his is delivering throughout the constituency which is, in effect a contract between him and the voters. It's not just about expenses etc, but also outlines what he will do on local issues during the lifetime of a parliament. It is designed to look like a legal document rather than a political leaflet and his highly effective. Others would do well to get hold of a copy and emulate it.
If you'd like to help Andrew's campaign my making a donation, here's how to do it.
1 comment:
Next time, stay on the M1 until Coalville, then turn west on to the A511.
I'm assuming there will be a next time........
That said, traffic was foul on the M1 on Friday as well.
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