Am I alone in finding the subtitle annoying? Of course it is MY Autobiography. Whose else would it be?
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Yes, he should have given it a title like Battling Against Christ or Standing Against God :)
I consider that knifing leaders (in any party) is usually bad news. There shouldn't be so much turnover, it doesn't inspire confidence.
Why not:-
The Good, Bad and Ugly
an autobiography:
The Liberal Democrats. The War Years.
An Autobiography.
My glorious leadership year.
an autobiography:
I lead, others didn't follow! an autobiography.
What a great party that was.
an autobiography.
I would have changed the world - given time.
an autobiography.
The Rise and Fall of a Liberal Democrat Icon.
an autobiography.
In answer to your question Iain, very little I should think, given that Campbell was an accessory before the fact of Kennedy's assassination. He is living proof that he who wields the dagger sometimes does get to wear the crown.
The Minger's book CAN'T be as bad as Charles Kennedy's- 'The Future of Politics ( in a bottle, or public loo depending on your choice in a liberal society)'! That was ONE long dull read!
I'm surprised he hasn't forgotten it all!
"Whose else could it be?"
Moot question, given that about 90% of autobiographies seem to be ghostwritten these days...
How about: My life as a vase.
The old ones are always the best.
Eric Sykes has the most appropriate title for an autobiography:
"If I Don't Write It Nobody Else Will"
How about: Think Yellow and Follow Me (as Clouseau says to Cato Fong in Revenge of the Pink Panther)?
On a 'richter' scale of salacious memoirs, where Christopher Meyer was an 8, Blunkie's memoirs slagging off his colleagues was a 6 and Campbell's 'excised' diaries are a 4, I guess Ming's will come in at the "a small earthquake in Chile - not many dead" end of the scale.
As he is an LD, how about:
The art of speaking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time
by Menzies (after all, he is a national treasure now shurely?)
You are right. The title is tautologous.
It should be called, "My years as a child of the sixties, but I didn't inhhale" - which is patently true since he is and was so utterly straight.
No, I think it is just you.
If it was called 'His Autobiography' you would have said it was impersonal.
'The Autobiography' or 'An Autobiography' sound silly.
And if you imagine him saying on the radio 'I have just written autobiography' it would sound stupid.
My Backstabbers?
On Libdemology?
The Blur Years?
The Bleugh Years?
In Dizzy Focus?
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