My mum can't get out much as after five (yes, five!) hip replacements she's permanently on crutches. So it's more than my life's worth to tell them I feel awful and can't go. I shall just have Confidence in Me and sniffle my way through and imagine that I am High on a Hill With a Lonely Goatherd. I'm sure Something Good will come out of it. I just hope that for my mother, getting into the Palladium won't be like Climbing Every Mountain. Joining us will my other sister, Tracey (yes, Tracey from Essex...) who still reckons she's Sixteen, Going on Seventeen. So until this evening, So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehn, Goodbye.
PS Do you think I've been taking too much Benalin?!
The Sound of Mucus. Not good.
I notice how you are deliberately mis-spelling the names of the drugs to prevent legal action from the pharmaceutical companies, who may think you are giving the impression that taking their products can have deleterious consequences for one's mental health..
Oh Dear! This reminds me that the tourist season is almost upon us! Temperatures at 17°C today and tomorrow a forecast of 18°C - in February! Flowers blooming in the garden and my other half in bed with a virus infection. Come on Iain, you're a German teacher for Heavens sake, what's with the spelling today?
auf Widersehen
Have a nice time. I love going to shows.....
Tracey from Essex. krrrmpphhh!
There indeed is a song called
"Sheena is a punk rocker" as you are no doubt aware.
I couldn't get the Ramones to reform, but you can listen to a half-way decent cover at
or just googel "sheena is a punk rocker"
Doh! Oh dear.
Grumble, Grumble, then I do a typo!
auf Wiedersehen
Despite the waspish article re "la belle" Connie in to-day's Daily Mail - I still think she's worth climbing every mountain for. Enjoy, Iain
P.S. Prevention is better than cure - take daily doses of vitamin c and echinacea to boost your immune system and keep taking them to maintain your resistance to cold virus etc
You must be Iain, to think you're going to see that tosh when you could be across town at Brief Encounter...
Perhaps you would be better off going to see Les Miserables.
An article in The Mail today refers to Connie Fisher as having zero charisma and being even loathed by fellow cast members.
Obviously went to the same charm academy as one Gordon Brown then.
The Hill's are alive - the Dale's a little less so....
You left out "High on a pill lived a lonely blogherd"
Have fun.
I'd'll advise you to drink plenty of fluids. Sorry for the over-the-counter strength pun but it's my favourite song.
so you're back from the Nunnery Iain (ok that would only have been funny if Trevor Nunn was the producer). How was it? I fell in love with Julie Andrews in TSOM at the tender age of 9 and to be honest I never fell in love with another woman ever again such was her effect on me. My JA impression certainly err impressed my classmates but my teacher gave me some funny looks.
Are you back now, Iain? Excellent :)
keep going Iain for another hour. Climb that mucus mountain. You can do it mate!
You lot of miseries I saw one of the first shows and it was fabulous ..in fact I wrote a long eulogising blog about it which ended....
..."The last tableau is of the iconic group looking down on Switzerland . The bright dawn is rising. The show builds to this end which coincides with the reprise of "Climb every mountain " . Not the strongest song in the show but its placement is powerful. With all the threads tied ,and Leslie Garret on hand as the Abbess ,to give it some serious welly , the happy ending is entirely satisfying.
I would argue that the American wave was the cultural fact of the last century , that Rogers and Hammerstein are the best exponents of its most distinctive form .In this their swan song they created the most complete work of art ,bar none ,in the last hundred years . It is as perfect as Pride and Prejudice . It will last forever ."
Unbeatably good ...enjoy
welcome to our world Newmania - you old habit wearing minx. I think this blog has just become an old queens reminiscent blog. Having said that I am watching England.v.France in the rugby. Can't be anything gay about that can there? Go the boys!
Why is it Connie Fisher's last day in the role of Maria. What has happened. I seem to be out of the loop on this one
"they created the most complete work of art ,bar none ,in the last hundred years"
Thank you Newmania for providing conclusive evidence of that which I have long suspected.. you are completely stark raving bonkers. Indeed, so mad, that I can only conclude that you must, in fact, be Paul Gascoigne.
Bear up, I hear 'sleeping don't come very easy in a straight white vest....'
jd - I think Newmania just came out as a card carrying moxie. probably has a well worn copy of "Beaches" in his collection as well. Welcome to the club mate. Big errm hug.
suz said
"Why is it Connie Fisher's last day in the role of Maria. What has happened. I seem to be out of the loop on this one"
she's hooked up with the baron babe. pay attention. dont you know the story?
Thank you for sharing your germs ... I am glad I won't be anywhere near you. It would be a lot more responsible if you just stayed at home.
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