Monday, September 18, 2006

There's Always One...

On the Today Programme this morning I said I couldn't think of a single Blairite blog. As soon as I said it I knew I'd regret it. And sure enough, an email reaches me to alert me to THIS new blog. Bless.

PS Note to Dizzy. this site was NOT registered by David Taylor.


dizzy said...

damn! I rather wanted to continue my unhealthy obssession!

Anonymous said...

Harrys Place is pretty much the only Blairite blog I can think of off the top of my head...wonder how long this new one will last?

Anonymous said...

Not sure what a 'Blairite' blog would be. People often claim that my Stuart's Soapbox is a 'Blairite' blog, although I don't feel it is.

If we're giving scores I would give your Lib Dem list 9/10, but your Labour and Tory ones about 2-3 out of 10. I know it's subjective but when I ranked them using your categories I got much the same for the Lib Dems, but totally different for Labour and Tory.

Bob Piper said...

What... you haven't read the famous Luke Akehurst's loyalist blog?

Graham Smith said...

Thanks for alerting us to this new blog, Iain. I fully agree with the author when he writes:

"Prime Minister should continue in office until… we the electorate, are ready to let him go"

Indeed, all those who share the author's confidence in Mr Blair should be asking for a vote of continued confidence in his leadership by calling a General Election right now!

Luke Akehurst said...

Bob got there before me but yes I would accept the "Blairite blog" label with pride - though I will probably be just as proud to be described as a Brownite or Reidite or Johnsonite or just plain Labour loyalist blog post leadership election.

Anonymous said...

Stuart Bruce:

My take on this Blarite site is for secophantic misguided dumb dumbs.

Read it for yourself and see.

Jeff said...

This is not moderated at the moment, do lets get the comments up there to tell it how it realy is, if we try to keep it constructive maybe he will listen.

But then again whilst some try to help the afflicted, it is much easier to mock them.

So mock away and maybe TB will Mock off

Praguetory said...

Not a Blairite but I am backing Blair to serve a full term. Some on the fringes of the Labour question my sincerity.

Anonymous said...

It's funny to watch this one. At the beginning of the day he was wiping anti-blair comments and verbal within minutes. He has not yet learned how to do comment moderation and the blog is already sinking under the weight of vituperation, risibility and rancour.

Serves him right for being a tosser.

Bob Piper said...

Good old Luke. No point in throwing all your eggs in the wrong basket, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Talk about preaching to to the unconverted.

Anonymous said...

fourthterm is uncompromisingly blairite and it's even on your list... ...unlike some other sites i could mention. *ahem

Anonymous said...

yes, Harry's Place is generally supportive of Blair, as far as international policy goes. So am I.

Anonymous said...

By the way, concerning the advice in your pdf download, you say, '1. Write something every day 2. Don’t write an essay. Be short and snappy', but also '4. Don’t try to copy another blog. Make yours unique to you.'

So, I won't copy your style: I will continue to write when I have something to say and to write long essays.

Anyway, I'm sure I've seen those "rules" somewhere else before.

Luke Akehurst said...

I may support Joe Realsh for party leader. That would make me a realshite.