I see from the the current edition of Jane's Defence Weekly that, from 1 April 2007, the merged organisation will be known as Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S). Even by the standards of NuLab, it seems a bit much that the Secretary of State should be naming part of his empire after himself!
You've missed out Defence Organisation Procurement Executive.
Little used, for some reason.
Hi Iain. Imagine my surprise upon clicking the linked phrase "a safe pair of hands" in EU referendum, and ending up here.
Do you play cricket?
Another Desmal idea!
Sehr geEhrte Iain
Isn't Des's DES a breach of Education's DES trade mark !!!
How Bureaucrat's love changing Departmental Initials, presumably costing tasxpayers millions with every change
eg the Education Department
DES = Dept of Education & Science
DFE = Dept for Education
DFEE = Dept for Education & Employment
DES = Dept for Education & Skills
Your obedeint srvant etc
G Eagle
Noddy Brown is being interrogated by Brillo. As the relative of a serving officer the temptation to put my fist through the screen and strangle the guy is almost irresistable. I don't think I have heard such a bundle of crapola since John Reid's description of our mission in Afghanistan. Fundamentally, we are putting the soldiers of this country at risk because of lack of funding, equipment or honesty about the purpose of our military action. And paying them bugger all to lay down their lives for us.
I look forward to the day, sometime soon when in the new spirit of openess that is blowing fresh ideas into the tired old conversatives when the party decides to get a new name to match it's it's new logo.
Forelock Tugging Friends of the Dying Landed Gentry Party maybe or how about Old Crooks, New Tricks - you wouldn't even need to add the party bit would you ? It's great to be modern about these things.
Go back to your constituencies, and prepare for feudalism !
Welcome. Your every post reminds me why I am a Tory.
Isn't Des a miserable sod?
Isn't Des a miserable sod?
Martyn said...
I look forward to the day, sometime soon when in the new spirit of openess that is blowing fresh ideas into the tired old conversatives when the party decides to get a new name to match it's it's new logo.
Forelock Tugging Friends of the Dying Landed Gentry Party maybe or how about Old Crooks, New Tricks - you wouldn't even need to add the party bit would you ? It's great to be modern about these things.
Go back to your constituencies, and prepare for feudalism !
12:34 PM
Hi Martyn, I have just visited your blog. I can see why you hate Tories, all those modern buildings that Thatcher ruined, all those sheep without mint sauce and of course all those coal mines closed by greedy 'socialist' miners. My heart bleeds for you, as Marquee Mark said,
To paraphrase Bruce Anderson's remark about Bernard Jenkin, Des Browne makes Geoff Hoon look like Bismarck.
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