Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Attention Labour Bloggers

If anybody attending the Labour Party Conference can help distribute the Guide to Blogging please let me know and I will courier a box to you. I'm sadly not going as I couldn't get a pass. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Iain, I'm working so can't.

Tapestry said...

Did you really expect the Politburo to allow an incorruptible petty blogger into their holy of holies? They'd rather you made a call on The Lubyanka, where you could examine your own entrails.

AnyonebutBlair said...

Are they any pro-Labour bloggers other than milliblogger and various incarnations of Al Campbell going under a variety of different names?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry Iain...the way things are going for them you might have been the only bugger there.

Anonymous said...

I note you haven't asked me. Any particular reason? Perhaps you FORGOT

Trevor Ivory said...

Oh dear Iain, I think you need to keep grovelling to Recess Monkey!

Caroline Hunt said...

I think Recess Monkey is loving the publicity he is getting on the net from being left off!

Anonymous said...

I would love to help out

Bob Piper said...

injured cyclist... unfortunately for you, the next general election, as with the last three, will be decided by the electorate.

Anonymous said...

They haven't given you a pass because Prescott doesn't want to shag you. Think yourself lucky.

Anonymous said...

Are they TRYING to maintain a reputation of contraol freakery?

Praguetory said...

Bob can't get permission to goto conference. Some problem with police clearance. Poor chap - it's enough to test a man's loyalty I would have thought.

Unknown said...

Yeah why not Iain, I will help considering I'm in it!