Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm Unbanned by the LibDems

Just had a phone call from the LibDems to say that I am now very welcome to attend their bloggers' event on Sunday evening (see HERE). As you know, I'm not one to gloat, so all I'll say is all credit to them. I'm quite looking forward to it.

I'll be taking a load of my bloggers Guides down to the conference. They'll be free of charge to all conference delegates so if any LibDems would be able to help distribute them, could they leave a comment or email me?


Anonymous said...


I am certainly happy to help you Iain. I'll be there Sunday and Monday.


dearieme said...

Your blogpage is misbehaving again: massive scroll-down reqd to reach content. I'm using IE.

Jonathan Sheppard said...

can i come too??

strapworld said...


Stand with your back to the wall!!

Anonymous said...

We had several journalists wanting to come, hence the change of mind ... though perhaps all the calls were you putting on different voices?!

Anonymous said...

Iain might be happy to stand without his back to the wall... :-)

Anonymous said...

Iain might be happy to stand without his back to the wall... :-)

The Hitch said...

Dont forget to rub yourself down with some of that glee.
Seriously though,why would you want to hang about with that lot ?

And strapworld , that "joke"
Considering whose site you posted it on
tsk tsk tsk

James Higham said...

I needed your blogger's Guide today with our crash.

Liberal Neil said...

Hopefully see you there Iain.

Mark Valladares said...


Have you arranged for someone to get you into the Metropole? You know what these security nazis can be like. If you have trouble, get someone to find me... I might be able to help...

Anonymous said...

DEARIEM`Your blogpage is misbehaving again`Thats nothing , this has jsut been posted on Boris Johnson`s blog page....scarey stuff ( and theres loads more)

forget me not said:
September 15, 2006 09:45 PM | permalink

You all think you are so clever you don't know him at all

The truth of me
Is like the pea
Beneath the mattress
On which your fat rests

(You are leonine golden beast
You are leonine as a Feast)

My pea soul known
Like a big stone
You bottom hunts me
Can`t get comfy

( You are leonine mighty beast
You are leonine as a feast)

My hidden place
My warm soft space
Your hands explore
I`ll hide no more

Fingers ; pea
Boris ; me
No more ! , no more..
Thrown to the floor

( you are leonine my cruel beast
You are leonine as a feast)

It is enough to know you felt
That far beneath you my pea dwelt
Now crush me with your heavy paw
We touched
Its gone

I`ll live no more

But weep for me my golden beast
I was the pea , the very least
That lay below you when you came
Roared ,and threw back all your mane

You are leonine tender beast
you are


A feast

I love you Boris and I think when you discussed boundary changes it was code for you to say you loved me to. That woman doesn't deserve you ... I could stab stab stab stab stab her .Soon my darling , soon.

Tapestry said...

The power of the blogger revealed. You can't only shut out the blogoshpere, even if you'd like to.

Tapestry said...

were they worried that someone might find out what their policies are? I'm not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Have I not been whining about the dreadful erotic poetry over there for a week now? Yes indeedy I have.

On the plus side I've lost two pounds through not being able to keep food down.

Sir-C4' said...

Good for you Mr. Dale.