I recorded my first pre-recorded programme for 18 DoughtyStreet Talk TV today. The interview was with Rodney Hide, the leader of ACT (the New Zealand Liberal Party) and his deputy, Heather Roy. ACT split from the NZ Labour Party in the early 1990s to pursue their own brand of free market liberal economics under the leadership of Roger Douglas and the charismatic Richard Prebble.
It's a really good feeling to have got the first programme under my belt. I even managed to finish it bang on thirty minutes despite the fact we haven't got talkback set up yet. Tomorrow we've got another rehearsal for my nightly Vox Politix programme. It's astonshing how much you can learn from a rehearsal - especially on the technical side.
We're all very excited by how the reporters network is building. Paul Burgin from the Mars Hill blog and Rachel from North London have picked up their cameras and we're looking forward to their contributions.
Dear Iain
Well done - good luck - we all look forward to seeing the Programme ... perhaps excepting certain Malignants, none of whom would be missed ....
Your obedient servant etc
I hope those nice chairs are bolted down. Anyone with a tendency to shuffle a bit on sitting down looks liable to have an outtake moment off the edge of the platform...
It must feel great to be making real progress.
Mr. Eagle summed up my opinion quite succinctly.
So what cameras are they using - DV ? Panasonic ?
Iain, you are so dull on camera.
When are you gonna realise this...
I don't mean to be picky Iain, but what the hell is that picture on the wall behind you?
An artist's impression of the state of British manufacturing perhaps, as everything seems to be falling apart? Or it is simply a replica of that lesser-known Picasso entitled 'pleasuring robots with a hosepipe'?
tom, it's an anti establishment graphic. However, it's temporary and wont be used on my set when the programme starts!
In English, it's pronounced Dowty. It's not pronounced like dough with a y on the end.
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