Nothing like a good protest to welcome me to the LibDem Party Conference. And it wasn;t a protest at their decision to let me in! These are Brighton & Hove Albion supporters who launched a vocal protest against LibDem MP for Lewes Norman Baker and LibDem controlled Lewes Council who are against the new stadium plans at Falmer. However, I'm assures that all other LibDems locally are in favour of it. I think that's called having your cake and eating it.
Anyway, I'm typing this in the bar of the Metropole Hotel, sitting about ten feet away from the smoking chimney that is Lady Elspeth, the formidable wife of Ming the Merciless. I got here having had the worst nine holes of golf I have played for weeks and endured seeing West Ham lose to a poor Newcastle team. So I'm relying on the LibDems to brighten up my evening. Hmmm.
The reason I am here is to attend the LibDem bloggers fringe meeting tonight, where they are handing out some awards. I'll be recording my Channel 4 Podcast there and also a piece for tomorrow's Today Programme. The Guide to Blogging seems to be going down well with those I have handed it out to. Later.
M'lady Campbell is doubtless savouring the opportunity of enjoying a fag in a public place - this fine Libdem tradition is now banned in Scotland, of course.
What d'ya mean "a poor Newcastle team"??!
Thought you would be more interested in what the Sunday Mirror had to say about the woes of the Conservative Party in their poor showing in the latest polls, and the potential for a rise in the liberal democrat fortunes. Cameron is not getting a good writeup from the bloggers on Conservative Home today.
You might ask one or two locals if they have any inside information on the Prescott connection with Brighton's chairman and boss of the bulding firm that wants to build the stadium.
Guido will be more popular than you Iain because I picked up lots of comments at this conference that you censure far too many of your bloggers.Ive heard this before that you are stifling blogging .
I can't believe they are allowed to protest!
What about "Health and Safety" ?
Glad you noticed, Iain. None of the Lib Dem bloggers have so far! These are the "liberal" "democrats" who see fit to use taxpayers money to challenge a government decision taken over two public enquiries about a stadium that isn't even in their area!
Yes, it is in an AONB. But there are already 12 university buildings and a bypass on the same site. Oh yes, and it's already zoned for development.
And the decision to take it to judicial review was not even discussed by the whole of Lewes DC. Just the cabinet, in a private sitting. Democracy? You're having a laugh!
The newspaper's favourite "white knight", Norman Baker, is dead against this development not even in his constituency. Despite saying in a local paper in 2004 that when the John Prescott decision was made, he would respect it.
(Oh yes... there are small number of local Lib Dems who are pro-stadium. The rumour is that the small group was told they faced expulsion from the party if they joined our rally!)
Plenty more information on www.seagullsparty.org.
There seem to be an outrageous number of rent-boys in Brighton tonight. So we hoofed it back to Kemp Town (Des Turner, Lab) early. Only to be harangued by a flotilla of bi-polar alcoholic ladies of a certain age. Where did they come from?
Anonymous at 9.37, you cannot seriously call that a poll. Even Eben Black on 5 Live dismissed it.
Anonymous at 10.21. Ridiculous. I very rarely censor. i only ever delete a post if it is libellous or gratuitously offensive. Guido does the same. And I'm getting more hits than him now anyway, as he will tell you himself. I;d love to know how you think I am stifling blogging when all the LibDem bloggers I met tonight were very grateful for all the publicity I have given them. Keep taking the pills. Interesting you won;t name yourself.
That's a ridiculous and false slur, which Norman Baker has been putting about for weeks now.
Several years ago, John Prescott attended the opening ceremony of offices belonging to a construction firm owned by Derek Chapman, one of the directors of BHAFC. Written parliamentary answers have confirmed that a) Mr Prescott did not know about Derek Chapman's connection to BHAFC when he opened the office; and b) the planning decision on Falmer had not even been "called in" by the government at the time. Indeed, it was still being decided by Brighton and Hove Council. To alledge that any corrupt practice took place is, frankly, a libel.
So please either shut your clack, or say what you mean in public so you can be successfully sued for it.
Good day.
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