2. A Very Public Sociologist on millionaires and the Morning Star.
3. Paul Flynn MP on the Labour Lords scandal.
4. Ellee Seymour is enjoying her new iPhone. I still don't want one.
5. PoliticalBetting reckons Netanyahou is on his way to victory in Israel.
6. Mark Pack reckons Progressive London is a front organisation for Ken Livingstone.
7. Alix Mortimer on the meaning of 'progressive'.
8. Richard Willis rushes to judgememt on the foul stench of Labour sleaze.
9. Fraser Nelson on Harriet Harman's plan to ban MPs' second jobs.
10. Liam Murray wishes my ancestor, Robbie Burns, a happy 250th. And yes, you read that right.
11. Puffbox reports on the success of the 10 Downing Street Twitter feed.
12. Beau Bo D'Or reports on a top level BBC management meeting.
Trouble is half of Ayrshire can claim the Bard as one of their ancestors. I seem to remember reading you granny came from Troon.
Now Alloway to Troon is only 8.1 miles so it is possible
My grandfather came from New Cumnock. Apparently we are descendents of Jean Armour.
Iain - Jean Armour was Burns's legal wife, so you're not a bastard descendant, just a...
Re 10: ' . . Most of Robert Burns descendants today are from his two illegitimate daughters:
1. Elizabeth "Bess" Burns (1785-1816), daughter of Elizabeth "Betsey" Paton, who married John Bishop in 1807.
2. Elizabeth "Betty" Burns (1791-1873), daughter of Ann Park, who married John Thomson in 1808.'
Which are you?
That woman Harriet Harman (see Fraser Nelson's blog) is a tinkering menace.
The way these flowers of the aristocracy lay down the law is beyond belief. She should disinherit herself and try to live like a normal human being.
Anyway, she is wrong about second jobs. Being an MP should not be a full time job. It is making politics a trade that has brought it into such disrepute.
Bloody woman.
I'm sorry I got the town of your grandfather wrong (I actually went out with a girl from New Cummnock for a while) but from the Freedom and Whisky blog yesterday came the following quote,
"Three towns are in the running to be declared the most dismal in Scotland in this year's Carbuncle Awards.
Motherwell, Glenrothes and New Cumnock have all been shortlisted for the award, dubbed the Plook on the Plinth"
and by the way the peom quoted on the original website is well worth reading
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