Yesterday, as soon as the Chancellor sat down, we sent out a poll survey asking Britain's elected politicians what they thought of the Pre Budget Report. More than 2,000 elected politicians took part including MPs, Peers, MLAs, MSPs, AMs and councillors. The main findings were...
• All parties seem to agree on a 2010 election
• Even 38% of Tories support a top rate of income tax
• Less than half of Labour politicians think yesterday’s measures will stave off a long recession.
The full results are on the new Total Politics Party Lines Blog
I believe that you mean to say:
Even 38% of Tories support a top rate of income tax
I think the way Osborne is handling this when questioned is perfect: "removing the 45% rate would not be our top priority, we need to concentrate on reversing the tax rises for middle income earners first" Certainly, Nick Campbell on R5 Live soon lost the will to plough this particular furrow. Not what the other Campbell would have wanted at all.
Loved the final question and the Lib Dems, obviously on their knees praying at the time, voting for a HUNG Parliament.
Which Lib Dem voted for a 'well hung' Parliament?
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