Friday, March 28, 2008

Wendy Gives Herself a Perfect 10

She's a perfect 10, but she wears a 12
Baby keep a little 2 for me
She could be sweet 16, bustin' out at the seams
It's still love in the first degree

THIS is very funny. Or perhaps tragic. Wendy Alexander has awarded herself ten out of ten for her performance as Scottish Labour leader.

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man,
and from man to pig,
and from pig to man again;
but already it was impossible to say which was which.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely incredible!!!

Is she really that delusional? Has she zero understanding how this will play with oeople?

My gast is well and truly flabbered at such arrogance.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I'm with Mr E. on this: I'd give her one.

Anonymous said...

Did she blow her leadership campaign donations on some really good weed?

If so I want some if it has those effects of self-delusion.

Madasafish said...

Wendy Alexander counts in binary on her finmgers:

= ten

Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown has given her a ringing endorsement at the Scottish Labour Conference and has said that she will be Scotland's next First Minister.
O M G.
This lot are ALL delusional.

Anonymous said...

Have you even read Animal Farm?

Anonymous said...

Whoaaah! That woman is ugleeee. Why are socialists so awful looking? There must be a theory to be developed there.

The Creator said...

It's the teeth I love.

Poor old Wendy. Always so wrong.

Watch her be set up by Gordo and then summarily discarded.

Iain Dale said...

Trust you to ask a bloody stupid question. I've read it several times. It's warned me about people like you.

Oscar Miller said...

Labour just aren't good with figures are they? Seems like wee Wendy has Gordon's way with statistics. The bigger the lie ...

Anonymous said...

It sems as if she's taken the part of gate mouth from Mme Blair.

Unsworth said...

Little Miss Perfect.

Anonymous said...

As I said a couple of days ago...Mrs Bean...Her new slogan is ''We do Change'' Code for '' give us a thousand and we will give you £5o back''= £950... No rules broken!!!

Anonymous said...

Crisis? What crisis?

Anonymous said...

The arrogance of New Labour continues to ashtonish me.

Brown at PMQ's saying to Cameron "We always make the right decision".

Ed Ball's "So what?" remark about our rising taxes.

And now Wee Wendy...It would be laughable if they weren't so gobsmackingly mediocre and pathetically delusional.

Anonymous said...

Is she waiting for the next fish to be chucked from the bucket?

What a muppet!

Anonymous said...

Justin, given the number of times 'Animal Farm' has been referred to on this site, and the number of times quotes from it have appeared, I assume you have only just discovered the book yourself and didn't understand all the previous references.

James Higham said...

She was serious?suudkwnn

Anonymous said...

Justin said...Have you even read Animal Farm?

No but I've seen the video.

Ah..oh..I'll just get my coat.

Anonymous said...

They really are getting to that Marie Antoinette stage.

"Let them eat deep fried Mars bars."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She's obviously Cherie Blair's Scottish cousin.

Both of them could fit an entire hot dog in their mouths.


Anonymous said...

How about some Brasso for her neck?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's comparing herself to Bo Derek...Which would be even more worrying.

It's just gobsmackingly unbelievable.

If she believes it then it's a sign of how New Labour is like a dangerous cult - dangerous because they are running the country.

If she's just doing it to show confidence she's showing amazing stupidity because this will go down like bucket of vomit with the voters.

Anonymous said...

So, with the SNP riding high and Scottish Labour in the doldrums how would things look a less than perfect performance? Perhaps Wendy thinks 7/10 would be Labour behind the Conservatives in Scotland while 5/10 would be Scottish Labour splitting?

Anonymous said...

My favourite reader-submitted question from the webcast:

What is the capital of France?

Anonymous said...

Enough's enough. Is there anything we down here in home counties can do to help them on their way asap? An English referendum on independence for Scotland should do the trick - would be nice if we could run ours before they get their act together. I'm completely with Paxo on this.

copydude said...

Apropos of Obnoxio and . . .

"i'd give her one"

It's fairly clear that, for any donation less than the declarable amount - up to 999p - you can have her.

Did anyone else notice the story that the 'cash for peerages' guys are being asked by Gordon to extend their loans for a decade?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she said that.

It's like something a 12 year old would say.

Are Labour that seriously out of touch that they promote such people to leadership?

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered who Wendy Alexander reminded me of, with her vacant middle-distance stare and her moronic open-mouthed posture.

Then I remembered where I had seen the same stare and posture. You can see it here

Anonymous said...

Looks like the original model for the inflatable doll.

Anonymous said...

As a straight man I find her quite vile.

Mulligan said...

Kind of reminds you of the arrogance and denial that comes across when Mugabe is interviewed. Maybe they both think they will be able to rig their respective elections.

ps she does take the definition of butt ugly to new extremes though, 10 out of 10 for that one.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Jade had gone into politics.

Anonymous said...

Obnoxio The Clown said...

"I'd give her one."

You must really be desperate; much braver than me though.

Anonymous said...

By eck- i went to a Scottish Labour conference -years ago- during the Iraq War in Dundee. The constant stream of 'nobodies' (read- Ministers in the Executive) came to the stand and bored everybody rigid. Most boring: Bristow Muldoon. I was lucky enough to be seated just in-front of the Scottish contingent of alcoholics (read- media), and they were often in fits of laughter at the sheer bollocks being spoken aloud at the Caird Hall. Thank God, i am no longer a Labour member and have to sit through that drivel this year! I give Wendy a minus 100. And that's generous.

Scipio said...

Sorry - who is she again?

Scipio said...

I am curious why she thinks there is no will amongst the Scottish people for a referendum on Scottish independence?

The SNP just won a bloody election on exactly that manifesto commitment! ipso facto, there clearly is at least the need to ask the question.

The trouble with the Labour Party is that they believe they have this God given right to govern, and they resent the public saying 'nay laddie'! They are behaving with an arrogance which simply shows they are not used to being in opposition in Scotland - and believe that democracy is an inconvenience to their right to rule.

Labour are terrified of an indepoendent scotland though, cos they know they will never rule in England again without Scottish MPs in Westminster giving them their ability to form a parliaentary majority. They fear they would become an electoral irrelevance, confimed to the nort-east and inner cities!

In short - to govern the UK, the Labour party need Scottish MPs sitting in Westminster!

Personally, bring on the referendum. I'd go north and campaign for a yes vote! That way we would get rid of the deep drain on our taxes which is Scotland, and get rid of Gordon Brown, Alaistair Darling and the rest of the Scottish cabal destroying our country!

Anonymous said...

Wicked Lester - I'll always think of her now as Wendy "Fozzie" Alexander.

Wonder if she can waggle her ears as well?

Anonymous said...

I believe this is what is refered to as "being a legend in her own mind".

Keep on dreaming girl...

Anonymous said...

That is what is known as a two paper bag job.

A bag on each head in case her one falls off.

Chris Paul said...

Farmer Dale: This reference to Animal Farm just doesn't work here.

For Tory friends in the Nats perhaps, but not for WWA. Some of your commenters need to develop a real sense of humour and spot Wendy having a laugh ... and also a better line in politics than personal smearage.

Chris Paul said...

PS Did they once have an Iraq War in Dundee Simon? A warming remedy for those ice cream wars I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the original model for the inflatable doll.

Oscar Miller said...

Lance Price's Guardian review of Brown's unscripted speech in Aviemore is a killer. Price describes it as "leaden, badly delivered," with "nothing new to impart". And he tripped up over his words - saying at one point that Nelson Mandela was released in "our lunchtime" (he meant lifetime) and later that the heroes of the Glasgow bomb attack would "always be in our debt"! If nothing else Brown's credentials as Mr Bean are improving daily.

Price ends "Unless he makes some big improvement soon, people will start to conclude it's not just his speech-making but his government that's lost its way".

Anonymous said...

Chris Paul:

Other than reminding most of the readers why we vote Conservative and advertising your own crummy blog, is there a reason why you keep posting comments here?

If you think that you're going to convert anyone with the drivel you come out with then you're sadly delusional.

Anonymous said...

CP@4:06 Mch29- i NEVER go into Dundee at night! I remember a colleague at work went oot for a night on the piss in the big D. Asking how it went she said: 'I was just standing a couple of feet away when someone got glassed inside a poob'. The casual way she said it makes it seem that's par for the course for a night oot in Dundee! Makes the Chatsworth estate look relatively tame. BTW:- an ex-Dundi polisman serving in Iraq is on record saying he felt SAFER in Iraq than Dundi. He said at least he had body armor on and a weapon....

Anonymous said...

Jings! Help Ma Boab! the thought of Wendy Running up the beach at Saltcoats wearing nowt but hair braids....
The mere thought gies me the heebie jeebies...

Bo Derek She aint !

Twig said...

You wouldn't want to bump into that on a dark night!

Anonymous said...

Wendy is not, despite what some claim, ugly.

She is quite a comely little lass, in a certain way...

But her voice? My God! Her voice!

At every question time it goes like this: "Would the First Minister not agree with ME... that skrreccch clack-clackity-clack skrreccch is the clack-clack-clackity 'who'll buy ma fish', point?"

Horrible. Oh. That and the fact that I'd never go out with a proven liar.