"I think we're moving from this period when, if you like, celebrity matters, when people have become famous for being famous. I think you can see that in other countries too - people are moving away from that to what lies behind the character and the personality"
Gordon Brown in The Guardian, 14 April 2007
One of the Prime Minister's mantras over the last few weeks and months has been to tell us how he is concentrating on the economy to the exclusion of everything else. It's rubbish of course. No Prime Minister can or should do that. It's what he has a Chancellor of the Exchequer for. He has quite rightly been to Afghanistan and Pakistan over the last few days. But he keeps telling us he's doing nothing else than deal with the economic crisis. Can't he see that it makes him look ridiculous to keep uttering this nonsense?
Here's the Prime Minister giving his undivided attention to the economy meeting double Olympic medalist Rebecca Addlington at a reception for British Olympians.
"I am dealing with my undivided attention on the problems of the economy"
Gordon Brown, 23 November 2008, BBC TV, Daily Politics
Gordon Brown, 23 November 2008, BBC TV, Daily Politics
And here's Gordon Brown giving his undivided attention to the economy meeting Lewis Hamilton talk at the British Racing Drivers Club Awards in London on 8 December.
"My undivided attention is on the economy. I am not thinking about anything else.It's taking 100% of my attention."
Gordon Brown, Jeremy Vine Show, 21 November
Gordon Brown, Jeremy Vine Show, 21 November
And here's Gordon Brown giving his undivided attention to the economy meeting Capital FM Radio presenter and Strictly Come Dancing contestant, Lisa Snowdon, at the opening of Global Radio's new headquarters in Leicester Square on 11 December.
"I'm dealing with my undivided attention on the problems of the economy and I don't think people would think much of me if I wasn't, and that is what I am going to do."
Gordon Brown, Daily Telegraph, 24 November
Gordon Brown, Daily Telegraph, 24 November

“I am getting on with the job and trying to get us through these difficult times.
It has got my undivided attention.”
Gordon Brown, The Times, 17 October
It has got my undivided attention.”
Gordon Brown, The Times, 17 October
"Our undivided attention is on getting these problems sorted out."
Gordon Brown, 24 November Mail on Sunday
Gordon Brown, 24 November Mail on Sunday

"We believe we can help people through these tough times...from when I wake up in the morning to when I go to bed at night it has my undivided attention"
Gordon Brown, 25 October 2008, ITV
Gordon Brown, 25 October 2008, ITV

"We are giving our undivided attention-to helping families and businesses."
Gordon Brown, ThisIsMoney.co.uk, 22 October
Gordon Brown, ThisIsMoney.co.uk, 22 October
Can't stop laughing at these pics.
Anyway, Lib Dems called me again. Forgot they called yesterday. Again rabbiting on about early election. Kept asking if we thought Vince Cable has convinced us they deserve a vote. Not a word about Clegg. But I don't think that early election thing is totally unfounded.
I think Labour stand to gain more if election is early though.
should be a billboard campaign
Blimey, there's some tasty pieces of totty in those pics....
Quite good fun if that's how it's intended.
If this was a billboard campaign it would generate vots...
He has quite rightly been to Afghanistan and Pakistan over the last few days.
Ahhhh no, that would be the Defence Secretary's job, or at a push Foreign Secretary's.
Good post Iain.
(About fucking time as well. What is all this twittle bollocks)
Don't forget, how did "The Times" put it....
"The PM has been bombarding contestants on The X Factor with missives urging them to rebel against Simon Cowell’s strictures".
You really don't like him do you!
Still, better I suppose than saying that he wanted to see and end to Punch and Judy politics and then making nasty and unpleasant attacks on his main opponent.
Please don't publish pictures of him smiling. He looks such a pratt when he does. And not even in a funny way.
love the last picture.. If he keeps falling asleep maybe he should just stay in bed and not just phone people up in the very early morning like some mad energy supplier telesales caller.
He is a prime mentalist of the highest order.
His "Undivided attention" is seeing a collapse in the potential Tory vote in the polls.
What kind of leadership is it of an opposition, when in the current economic crisis after 12 years of Labour government, it is struggling to reach the 40's in the polls?
Current poll has the Tory vote down 7 points.
Be in no doubt we're fast approaching election year.
To be fair if I was PM i'd not give a stuff when the country melted down if Snowden wanted a dance - hmm...toot toot and perhaps a pip pip.
I don't think anyone expects any different, tbh. If the roles were reversed, DC would probably come out with similar soundbites.
Vintage stuff Iain - well done. Must turn into a YouTube if nothing else!
Lies, lies and more lies
Re your previous post, perhaps your moderate stance would be respected more if you avoided these party politicals.
He gets these phrases kind of stuck in what passes for his 'mind'.
"The right thing to do"
"We are doing everything to..."
"Invested more money into..."
"It is right that..."
"Doing everything in our power...."
"Getting on with the job of...."
And so on.
But it means absolutely nothing at all. It's complete and repetitive gibberish - some sort of political Tourettes syndrome, I think. I just wonder if it isn't a side-effect of the copious meds he's on.
He's obviously not very well, Doctor. Time for a second opinion.
Well done Iain - it's a pity this doesn't get a wider airing in the mass media ...
You provide a public service !
Iain: What you have done is show the man up for what he is; a liar. I have never given anything my undivided attention. There are always too many things happening in life. When you are PM, you have paperwork flying across your desk, various meetings and briefings. Gordon may think he is saving the world - and it won't be long before he is wearing his underpants over his trousers - but we all know he is a master of spin and deception.
No wonder he's got bags under his eye/eyes.
How many birds has he pulled in the last couple of months then?
Does Sarah know?
The man does get around -- a bit too much, wouldn't you say?
Ben - I'm not sure whether you were being ironic so please correct me if you were. But wouldn't a 'party political' be a post which supports one party over another? Iain's post could have come from anyone who thinks the PM's repetitive mantras and hubris are, respectively, irritating and dangerous! And that includes people in the PLP!
This is pure unreasonableness Iain. Still msarting from your Feb election gaffe? Or using up your general election ammo right away just in case? There is a huge difference between being a PM and presenting awards and giving addresses and trying to become a celebrity oneself. Are you suggesting that greeting successful Olympians for example is something that the PM should snub??
It looks like lots of links are being generated by people using bloggers widget and that they do not relate to real links. You should fix that.
Hey, you could do a caption competition on the last pic which would raise some Christmas merriment!!
Let me start:
"Golly! that snore could loosen the foundations of the British economy!"
It was interesting to see on Sky News that Gordon and the press corps were gadding around Iraq today in US Army Blackhawk helicopters - was it not Gordon who told us that he had given our army all the equipment and helicopters that they had asked for?
And now he's on CBBC's "Election"... as, er, the main prize. What a wonderful way to reward the kids...
And today, "Gordon Brown has spoken to Sir Alex Ferguson about the possibility of him managing a UK football team at the 2012 Olympics, the PM has revealed." [BBC News]
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