A very Happy Christmas to all my readers, and a big thank you to those who have stayed loyal during 2008 and to those who have discovered the blog for the first time over the past year.
I am spending Christmas Day and Boxing Day with my parents and sister and her family near Saffron Walden. No broadband, no internet ... but lots of mince pies. I know I shouldn't, but it is Christmas...
Note: No blogging on the 25th!
Look forward to reading you in the Next Depression
Merry Christmas Iain, and a happy 2009 - a year which is going to see the rise of UKIP part deux.
No, I can't help myself. :)
A very Happy Christmas to you and your dog Iain.
From broadband to broad waistband...
Have a good 'un, out there in deepest Essex. I assume Gino is going as well, so I know you'll take care of him and not feed him too many mince pies...
I wonder if the word veri' has significance for us all: "logeouts" (!) I've taken a copy of the page as proof! Logging out now...
do you mean 2008?
Happy Christmas. Your in my hood.
'you are' too. long day in the pub.
Happy 2009. :)
guess to many mulled wines when posting that last one, 2008 surely?
have really enjoyed reading the blog over the last year
Have a great Christmas Iain, thanks for a great blog. But don't you mean 'loyal during 2008?'
I hope I get what I asked for from Santa.
Thank goodness we have some photographic proof!
I believe though that the Home Secretary should be informed about this dangerous terrorist imposter of Santa. No dog can be allowed to get away with such duplicity in Stasi Britain, not even at Christmas.
I've run out of milk.
A very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you, your partner, your dog, and all at "Team Dale".
Have a good 'un! :)
All the best Iain. Keep up the good work in 2009.
Woof Woof.
Happy Christmas Iain.
It's Christmas! (Think Noddy Holder!)
So I have updated my Nick Clegg = Neil Kinnock blogg with a festive theme!
XMAS day with the LD's!
At Nick Clegg = Neil Kinnock it is christmas every day!
Happy Christmas Iain and Gino.
You make such a lovely couple.
Does he get extra bickies today too?
By the way - Next time you take Cameron's advice and hug a hoodies make sure its not a dog!
Happy Christmas Iain et al. x
Just to spoil the festive mood.
Forget what the Pope said; C4 has an Xmas broadcast tonight by the leader of a regime that publicly hangs gay men.
Was Mugabe unavailable?
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