Well this was a bit of a surprise. As you know, I am a bit of a late convert to Twitter. I don't follow the Twitter activities of a huge number of people (around 50) but I tried to add Labour blogging Minister Tom Watson to that list this afternoon. But up came the following response...
You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user.
Bear in mind that Tom Watson has the internet under his remit at the Cabinet Office. It is therefore a bit strange that he has blocked me from following his Twitter activities (which are quite prolific, as you can see HERE). But being the
So come on, Tom, mate. Put it right, will you? I can think of nothing more I would like to do over Christmas than
If it is as dull and monochrome as his blog, best you don't bother.
You'd get more enjoyment and mental stimulation from chewing cotton wool.
The Penguin
You might want to blog a post on this.
The Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray has had a car crash on an interview on BBC Radio Scotland where he basically blurted out that 2010 was Labour's preferred date for an election was 2010.
"Labour will try and wait until 2010 before calling a general election, the party's Scottish leader has said."
He also did a Wendy Alexander where he scored himself 12 out of 12 for preformance!!!
You might want to use this video and ask if he is 12 out of 12.
Iain, IF this is a computer in the cabinet office, presumably it is paid by we taxpayers.
Therefore ask a Tory MP to place a question on the Order paper asking why he is banning certain people from a blog paid for by the people!
If it is 'private' is he paying for the electricity and telephone line, if used within the cabinet office or the Houses of Parliament.?
It may appear like nit picking but it is the only way these people will sit up. THEY want to restrict blogging to just socialists. Let them know that they just cannot carry on as if they control everything -------yet!
Oh will the man in the failed disguise be staying with him this Christmas?
Tom, believe it or not I am quite a proficient user of the print screem key. However, because this has a pop up, when I tried it, all I got was the popup and not the Twitter screen. So I had to photo it.
That's because you held the Alt key when you pressed the PrtSc key. If you just press PrtSc on its own you get a shot of the complete screen. When you hold Alt, you get only the current window.
I'm not so convinced you are proficient, I saw you struggling to do very much of anything at the bloggers demo in Birmingham :)
Tom, Thank you for the tip!
Here's another tip Iain. As you're using Vista, press the orb, and where it says "start search" search for the "snipping tool".
It's basically a built in windows tool for taking screenshots, with a resizable area so that you have the option of only capturing what you want rather than the whole screen or just the current window.
Hope this helps!
Norman, what makes you think NuLab tell the Scottish Labour leader the truth about their plans? Living in Scotland, with all those psuedo-Scottish-ised national paper versions and the same TV channels dressed up as "Scottish-this" and "Scottish-that" may lull the poor Scots into thinking that somehow they have some kind of importance. In Westminster, I doubt that the leaders of the main parties consider them for more than a couple of minutes a week.
Oh, I thought it was just me!
Given that the average monkey boy in Watson's office won't know who I am, I'm pretty sure it is personal.
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