Well, let me introduce the LibDem Candidate for St Albans to you. His name is Sandy Walkington (I'm sure I have heard of him before, but can't think why). He's pictured in his local newspaper "painting a run down postbox". Except, that he isn't. Look at the picture. Who on earth would...
a) paint anything wearing a light coloured suit?
b) be able to paint with a dry paint brush.
I'd almost lay a bet that if someone took a picture of this postbox now, it would still look like it does in this picture. Happy to be proved wrong!
Mind you, his wider point about the Post Office maintaining their post boxes is entirely valid.
Firstly, I think he is a bit silly getting a pic of himself pretending to paint a postbox with a dry brush, but secondly he can't realistically just paint a postbox can he? Wouldn't he be accused of damaging Post Office property if he did some half-arsed job of painting it up?
The same picture minus the brush would have sufficed to make the point.
Saying all that, it's not exactly Watergate, is it??
Don't be silly, it's invisible paint.
No, it isn't Watergate. I just fancied playing Mark Pack at his own game! :). It is just the sort of thing he loves to write about Tory candidates on LibDem Voice!
Iain, It is a criminal offence to deface a post box!
What's Fabio Capello doing in St Albans?
Typical Lib Dem Hippy.
They do anything for a photo shoot.
If you want some proper photos of a Lib Dem hypocrite you should take a look at the one's of Lisa Gabriel in Lincoln in 2005.
At one pre election debate at the University she STOLE the microphone and at another at a local church she was seen SMILING and HUGGING for the cameras with Labour candidate Gillian Merron.
With all of this being hot on the heels of a stripper, kissogram and sex line provider (Myrna Bushell) being elected on to Bideford Town Council in Devon last May one really does beg to ask:
What planet do the Lib Dems live on these days?
I have young people in my subsurb who quite regularly paint the post box on the corner with slogans. Are they all LibDems?
You're thinking of Sada Walkington, first to be evicted from Big Brother One.
A larger photo of the dry brush and crumpled suit can be seen here.
Sandy Walkington painting a run down post box
He was Head of Parliamentary Affairs at BT for yonks then left to run PR campaign for Lib Dems for the last general election. Total old woman IMHO.
he looks like Stephen Milligan.
Sinn Féin's youth wing insist on spending their free time painting Northern Ireland's post boxes green. If only they would carry out their vandalism with dry brushes too.
I remember reading an article once about a guy who was obsessed with post boxes and wanted to keep them in good condition. He would go out and paint them late at night every Christmas Eve because it was the only time he could garantee that they would be left alone for the paint to dry for a bit. I thought he was a bit of a nutter, myself.
He's just giving the Post Office management the brush-off.
I've just painted the one in the wall of my house.
RM have never touched it in 25 yrs.
Its an Edward VIII so its worth a packet.
So what's your view on candidates passing off party campaign workers, managers and even councillors as everyday people in the street?
If you're going to play this game, Iain...
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