Journalists were quick to point out that instead of flying on a British Airways jet decorated with the Union Flag, the Prime Minister hired a charter jet, decorated with stars more akin to the European flag than anything British. But they didn’t notice the return of the now infamous orange circle. First spotted on the Prime Minister’s face, it’s now reappeared on his aeroplane. Has the Labour Party changed its logo again without telling anybody?
UPDATE: Shane Greer has an interesting (and funny) take on the Prime Minister's transport travails HERE and more especially HERE.
Surely a more orange logo would be signalling their intent to secure a Lib-Dem coalition at the next General Election?
How very, very childish.
How very, very funny.
Excellent spot Iain, unlike Gordon's blob...
Iain - the blob very fetchingly matches that lovely big tangerine on the side of his aeroplane. Obviously a case of careful colour co-ordination.
I'm more concenred about that big caterpillar in the bottom right hand corner. It could rip yer arm off could that. It's huge.
A take on the classic:
There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Setting Sun....
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy,
And Gord knows - he's one....
or Sarah's..
Apols: I thought when first reading it that it might be about the other form of blob.
I thought you were supposed to know when you'd been tangoed?
Marquee Mark
The livery of the chartered plane, silver stars on a black field with a large, sun-like, orange disk sounds disturbingly similar to the flag flown by Robur The Conqueror, the (anti) hero of Jules Verne’s 1886 novel of the same name. As I recall that story ended in disaster too...
I suppose you could say,given the abundance of orange about, Brown flew by slEASYJET
The blob looks healthier than the rest of him i'm surprised he can walk out in daylight.
Just as well he didn't fly with the Progressive Governance Confernce logo. Who has been responsible for running down the RAF's transport fleet? Is it Brown by any chance.
Brown has been truly stiched up by GWB - would The President forgive Brown's public silences on Iraq, and general unwillingness to fund UK military operations? It is always possible that Blair's slayer in chief is not highly regared by Bush.
As for the Embassy forgetting that the Pope was in town, someone at the FCO is having a laugh at Broon's expense.
Will the curse of Broon strike McCain and Clinton? His most recent victims have included Arsenal and England.
What a ridiculous post Ian.
It was obvious what GWB thinks of Broon from that mocking buggy ride last summer. And then there's the Christmas video with Blair which was obviously a surreptitious dig at broon. Bush has a mischevious sense of humour - and timing Brown's visit to coincide with the Pope tells us exactly what George W thinks of the new incumbent at no.10
gmf @ 1:48
I do not think this is a ridiculous post. Although it is obviously meant to be a joke it does reveal a seroius side to the lack of attention to detail at number 10 these days.
Britain is fast becoming a joke to the rest of the world and it is going to start affecting our economy. Brown and his team have really got to sort out their act if we are not to turn into a banana republic. I am sure that BA could have produced a plane if made to do so and If he Thinks the Queen is going to travel and represent our country on what looks like a budget Holiday charter plane then he has another think coming his way.
Can anyone explain why McBroon has to charter a whole plane to fly him and his lackeys to Washington? What's wrong with booking the whole of the upstairs cabin ion a BA 747 (apart from the loss of luggage concern)? There are 20 Club World seats on the upper deck of a B747-400, surely more than enough for McBroon to sprawl over. the staircase would effectively become the security barrier if McBroon needs protecting from the hoi polloi. And the cost would be tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of pounds less.
Let's have no more of this squandering of taxpayers' money bychartering grandiose jets so that the PM can strut about the world. Every penny sopent on such lavish travel is ground from the face of the poor bloody taxpayer - who has to work a great deal harder than these shysters ever do to keep above the fiscal waterline.
Greater Manchester Fabians said...
What a ridiculous post Ian.
and on the previous post
Another ridiculous post Ian.
Part 2b of professor scharge -music's piece "working with imbecilles" has a good tip for you.
"Try and introduce some humour into your comments and it helps prevent others from seeing you as a raving nutter or flawed individual. Start with some simple childrens jokes."
Knock Knock..
Who is there?
anon who?
anonther ridiculous post Iain!
Knock Knock..
Who is there?
anna who ?
Another ridiculous post iain!
knock knock
who is there
yeti who
Yetanother ridiculous post iain
Try and get to 7 then you can post 1 a day without reference to the topic at hand.
From the guide to social comentary.
There is a govrernment help page you can go to, to try and improve your rhetoric skills
genghiz the kahn - You are right to note that Mr Bush will not harbour much goodwill for the doomed Brown. He and Condoleezza Rice are a pair of astute cookies and I am confident have a bead on Brown. You don't become goveror of a vast (31/2 times the size of the UK; population 30m) state like Texas without having a realistic grasp of the psychology of your fellow man. And he then went on to win a second term - the first governor to win two consecutive terms in the history of Texas. And Condoleezza Rice did not become Proctor of the prestigious Stanford University by being a political naif.
The bare minimum of hospitality and civility is all they will accord Brown. And I agree with whoever said above that the folks in our Embassy in DC were having a bit of a larf.
How could anyone be stupid enough to arrange a state visit at the same time as a hero of the Western world? Incidentally, interesting, is it not, that the only prominent people who have spoken firmly and knowledgably about the threat Islam poses to the advanced, secular West are The Pope, the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Rochester.
Darling is openly P@55ed off with Team Brown.
Darling Says Brown Government Must `Sharpen' to Revive Support
Chartered from Titan Airways hey......has there been a clash yet? Or should that read crash?
Does the mark come from him endlessly banging of his head against walls?
That is after all the kind of behavior associated with people who are suffering from some form of mental disturbance!
Talking of Brown's unique style of presentation...has anyone noticed, when Brown was on 'Good Morning America' (what did Americans do to deserve his grumpy face putting them off their oversized breakfasts?) his accent was much smoother, his Scottish accent was toned down for the American audience. It was the same on his legendary American Idol appearance. The 'not flash, just Gordon' line becomes more crazy by the day!
Flying 'Blob Air': Priceless.
It would only have been better if Brown was put on an extraordinary rendition flight to some hell hole very far away.
never was a truer word spoken the British are blind deaf and dumb hence your leader
Is 'Shane Greer' a 'nom de plume' of Chris Morris ?
We should be told...
Verity the Illiterate, what is a 'goveror'?
Verity the Innumerate:
"31/2 times the size of the UK"
Is that 15.5 times the size of the UK?
Verity the Ungrammatical, who is always criticising others for poor grammar, starts her sentences with 'and'.
"And he then went on to win a second term"
verity - "knowledgably"
Spelling! Tut, tut.
Nice to see that Brown isn't hogging the headlines today. Here is the Daily Telegraph report on David Cameron's visit to Hastings
Titan Airways is a highly reputable British charter company.
You can hardly blame Gordo for not flying BA at the moment....
Back off a bit Iain, your blogs starting to sound a bit "fair and balanced" with all these attacks on Brown.
8:41, 8:45 and 8:47, we should bring back hanging and shoot the likes of you.
Things were better in my day.
Isn't the Daily Mail a quality newspaper?
Anonymous x 4...
Being 'anonymous' - tut tut!
By the way, I wonder if the EU will acquire its own (military) aeroplanes with an EU logo, once its proposed armed forces are established...
Dear Prudence
So Humpty Dumpty goes to America, to discuss how to rebuild the financial market that his spend spend spend polices have created.
verity said...
"Things were better in my day."
Ah, but your day has gone.
verity said...
"we should bring back hanging and shoot the likes of you."
You've got a bit confused there.
You should ease up on the tequilas.
Presumably a cost effective alternative to BA and at least the prime ministerial pants will not end up lost in the back end of Terminal 5.
Verity, Loads of people have won second terms as governors of Texas. Perhaps you mean the first since the term was extended to 4 years in 1974? But even then John Connally did 6 years in the 60s and Alan Shivers 8 years in the 40s-50s.
Of course however many terms he did (as either governor or president) does not make him anything other than a useless president.
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